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I'm losing my mind...

I have an SQL view that references a procedure (function) in one of my RPG service programs. I'm fairly certain at some point I had to create an SQL procedure/function to access the RPG function from within a view. But I cannot find anything using the Database Management tool in ACS.

Shouldn't I be able to find an SQL Procedure or Function in the same library?

One of the columns selected in my view is ASTHHOBJ.TBF_SHIPBYDATE(PIK_DATE, PIK_TIME,PTY_CODE),

This returns a Date based on the parameters passed in.

Even if I click on "All Database Objects" in this library, I do not see anything named "TBF_SHIPBYDATE".

My user profile has *ALLOBJ authority (I would have created the objects anyway)

I can see the procedure referenced when I regenerate the SQL source from the view object.

I tried RCLDBXREF OPTION(*FIX) for that library (as Charles suggested in the RPG group).

What am I missing?



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