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On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 11:47 AM Art Tostaine, Jr. <atostaine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If it helps describe what I'm trying to do we receive JSON and write the
data to IBM i tables. Then we need to create a CSV for international labels
to import in Fedex shipping program.

Sorry, but this *screams* to be handled via the PASE open source
technologies IBM has provided. What you describe sounds like something
that is stupidly easy in Python.

I get that not everyone knows Python, not everyone wants to learn
Python, not every shop is amenable to the idea of solutions outside of
CL and RPG, etc.

At the very least, you should be investigating how to do it in SQL,
and sticking it in an SQLRPGLE program. I don't have a lot of
experience doing this, because I know and use Python for this kind of
thing. But Birgitta is always saying "you can do X in SQL", for nearly
any value of X. Pretty sure both JSON and CSV are in the SQL toolbox.

You will have much less CCSID-related pain if you use tools that were
designed to work with mainstream data, when dealing with mainstream
data (which would be pretty much anything received from or sent to the
"outside world").

John Y.

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