× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On 7/23/24 11:19 AM, stefan@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
If you look at the Tomcat job in WRKJVMJOB - lot's of garbage collections and close to hit the heap roof?

There usually is.

The sample crash scenario is from a couple of weeks ago.

At the moment, as I type this, we have:
Initial heap size: 4096.000M
Maximum heap size: 5120.000M
Current heap size: 4960.062M
Heap in use . . : 3303.448M

and the last three GC cycles are:
Number Start End Freed
27002 4209.4M 3105.9M 1103.5M
27001 4224.0M 3090.0M 1134.0M
27000 4219.6M 3090.0M 1129.6M

So the heap size is 160M shy of the maximum, and the utilization of it is well below that, and the application is, so far as I'm aware, reasonably happy.


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