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Hello Rob

After several experimentation
(consisting mainly of different settings on the Windowz server and setting
new "shared" PWDs)
We've found that the Windows domain' "shared" user (the one having
identical PWD on the i and the domain)
has developed a kind of recalcitrance and would not cooperate.

We have created *local *users on the Windows servers in question and these
local users proved to do the trick.


date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 10:54:59 -0400
from: Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Placing files in Windowz file server directory using QNTC

Numerous possibilities.
Tightened security on the directories involved on that server.
Tightened security on the share involved on that server.

Then again a google search on qntc cpfa09c shows a ptf which came out in


On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 3:42?AM Gad Miron <gadmiron@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Folks

For quite some time I have been placing files in Windows file server'
using QNTC and a special USRPRF that has identical credentials (user &
on the Windows domain and the i.

Lately something broke and I get a CPFA09C
Not authorized to object. Object is/QNTC/FILE_SERVER/SOME_DIR/SOME_FILE

Anyone in the know?


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