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The Commvault software knows almost nothing about the IBM I db2 file system.

It treats the IBM I as though it is a *IX based system.

Very few Commvault techs have ever heard of an IBM I so getting real help is a challenge.

We have it running at one site and it does work. Minor restores have been relatively easy.

Is is not a great DR solution.  There is nothing to boot from.


On 5/30/2024 3:16 PM, Evan Harris wrote:
Hi guys

I am working with some people that are exploring VTL options for the IBM i.
There are a couple of strong options on the table (FalconStore and
Cybernetics) but there are a few others floating around that people are
looking at. I've used DSI and EMC Data Domain in the past.

One that has come up is CommVault.but that is a completely
unknown quantity to me in the i space and the documentation is lacking in
some detail.

Has anyone else done any work with CommVault or used it in anger ?

The lines for me are that if it does not support BRMS, native IBM i save
commands and ALT-D IPL it doesn't get out of the box.

Anyone got any thoughts or comments ? Feel free to go into bat for your
favourite VTL solution even if you can't comment on CommVault!

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