× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Trying to find that saved information may be a waste of time and effort.
In some of their tools IBM had a tendency not to use standard objects or
even store them in stream files. Instead, they used areas of the system
only accessible to certain private APIs that they weren't interested in
sharing. For example, if you do a complete system restore from one machine
to another you are going to lose all the history you had stored in STRSQL.
IOW, F9 is not going to bring up previous statements.
This is normally where the email thread goes off in tangents about the pros
and cons of green screen vs other tools. But I'm trying to stay on topic.
So, how IBM identifies there are unsaved changes in SEU may be important.
If they identify it by the presence, or lack thereof, of one of these
hidden system areas then you're likely out of luck. If they have it stored
somewhere accessible by something like the following you may be in luck:

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