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Application Development Manager, which I think you call "extended" PDM, was the only change-management facility on these systems, so far as I know. There is a V5R1 manual at http://publibfp.dhe.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/c0921332.pdf

This does know about dependencies, as this quote suggests -
Each time you use the BLDPART command, the information about dependent parts used in the compilation of a part is stored with that compiled part as a dependency relationship.

It's part of ADTS, which included SDA and PDM and other tools. Might be worth looking into, eh?


On 1/21/2023 6:09 AM, Patrik Schindler wrote:

my projects slowly become more complex and I start to face "dependency hell". This includes PFs in a library being referenced by *PGM and DSPF objects in other libraries. When I change a field

I'm wondering which easy ways of source tracking are available directly in (older) versions of OS/400 (here: V4R5), *without* using MS Windows based, or other "external" development tools. I want to solely rely on OS provided facilities.

Note: I'm exclusively using DDS for creating PFs/LFs, no SQL. I don't see benefits in doing so on V4R5.

I have noticed the "extended" PDM project management, but so far I failed to find the nerves to look into what seems a highly complex mechanism. I'm also not sure if I can "import" already existing "projects" (aka: libraries with one SOURCES for all source members) into it. Also, this facility is no longer available in 7.2, as I've seen. (Some of my projects I'm using on and developing on a 8203-E4A.)

I have read about TMAKE from QUSRTOOLS but so far no first-hand experience with it. I'm rather fluent with UNIX make and Makefiles, though.

Other thoughts from the group?


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