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I do this kind of thing many times when I want to put things back to how I found them when I came in the door.

RTVJOBA will let you retrieve the USRLIBL, among all the other things. Do that early on.

I just found an example of just what you need in the documentation for RTVJOBA - here it is -

/* Declare Variables */
/* save library list */
/* Temporarily change library list */
/* Build command string */
/* restore library list */



On 9/13/2022 11:36 AM, smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I have a program that modifies the libl and then does processing. If the
program errors, I want it to pop the message, wait for the response, and
then if the program is "C"ancelled, I want the libl reset back to the
original before it exits.

Is there something that I can put in the CL that will ALWAYS execute this
"library reset" no matter how the program ends? I know I can MONMSG CPF0000
at the top of the CL but that seems to intercept the original error. I can
probably retrieve the message and its text inside of the CPF0000 block and
reissue it after the libl reset (I need the program to abend so it halts the
job's flow) but I was just wondering if there was an easier way that I don't
know about.


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