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How do others notify their sql clients (php, or sql clients like dbvis)
when errors occur?
there are times where the SQL client doesn't show all the errors that are
in the job log for the QZDASOINIT job.

<whole story>
I put on 7.4 TR6 and latest DB group over weekend.
in there, (i presume) a change in how the listagg function reports a
overflow condition (listagg is limited to 4k).
this morning, production SQL's were erroring (PHP ODBC, fairly
recent driver). the developer had no good info other than the actual
query. it even got weirder in that some sql clients would error, some would
return data. When I looked at the log for the QZDASOINIT job, it did point
to the overflow of the listagg field.
</whole story>

I think there may be times that there is actionable information in those
logs, but I don't know how to pass this information on to the developers.

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