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Typo: Should have read "... 7 digits long, starting with a *2*"

On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 8:20 PM Arnie Flangehead <arnie.flangehead@xxxxxxxxx>

Consider the following REGEXP_INSTR to find strings that contain (say) a
contract number that should be 7 digits long, starting with a 3, and which
can have non-digit prefixes or suffixes.

with foo(bar) as (
values('22123453 '),
('32123456 '),
(' A2212345'))
SELECT foo.bar
regexp_instr(foo.bar,'(?<!\d)2\d{6}(?!\d)') > 0

You will correctly get two out of the four records, with the first omitted
because of the trailing 3, and the second one omitted because of the
leading 3. Note especially that you get the last record even though the
number is right at the end (i.e. it's not followed by anything).

So the negative look-ahead and negative look-behind both work as expected:
"My 2nnnnnn number must not have a number in front of or behind it (and
that's still true if it has NOTHING in front of or behind it)."

However, if you attempt to extract the numbers, like so (adding only a

with foo(bar) as (
values('22123453 '),
('32123456 '),
(' A2212345'))
SELECT foo.bar,
regexp_instr(foo.bar,'(?<!\d)2\d{6}(?!\d)') > 0

You will get nothing.

If you take the negative look-ahead out, the REGEXP_SUBSTR will work, so
it's not a Show Stopper, but I'm puzzled. I'd like to understand why they
don't work the same way.


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