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Sadly it appears that the newer batteries get 'remembered'. On older cards the two plus minute thing seemed to reset the card to accepting the same battery back.

On the most recent (though still old by now) RAID cards with lithium batteries I have even had problems swapping the batter to another machine and getting it to 'think' it's good enough.

The batteries can be found on the market though for reasonable money. I know a guy who has a source for all of them if you need it.

SIDE NOTE: RAID cards for older POWER5 and 6 machines are going up in price with the quickness. Some are already near their new price and likely to climb. Why? I believe the problem is the non-replacable button batteries on the cache index card. The little daughter card that you find on all cache cards. Each of the cards I have failed (They show Degraded even when the cache battery is brand new) I have found to have dead button batteries on that card. As they cannot be replaced the card is now dead. Guess what, they are all about the same age! Yes I have acquired some of those batteries and attempted to replace them but have had no joy in stopping the card from reporting 'DEGRADED'.

- DrF

On 7/3/2021 7:03 AM, Patrik Schindler wrote:

in a 8203-E4A, there's a 57B7-001. It's battery is now in warning state and I have a feeling that write-intensive workloads take longer to proceed.

From earlier comments in this group, I learned this is just a "dumb" timer with — so I suspect — a lot of safety margin.

Is it possible to reset this timer remotely? Or is it necessary to go there, force the battery into error state in DST, and disconnect it for at least tow minutes, as Larry pointed out once?


(Please no discussions about dangers and data corruption issues in case of a power outage. I'm well aware of that.)

:wq! PoC

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