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There are a limited set of possibilities in the command definition itself.

But for a case like this I would look into a validity checking program that
you can connect to the command. This is a program that stops the CPP from
executing if any parameters (or combinations of parameters) do not make
sense. And as the programmer YOU define what makes sense!

Check this link for some ideas:


message: 1
date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:32:08 -0700
from: "James H. H. Lampert" <jamesl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Question about command parameters (PARM statement)

In defining a command's parameters, I see a number of ways to define what
values are specifically >>*allowed* for a parameter.

Is there a way to define several (in this case, ten) distinct values
*prohibited* for a parameter?

In this case, the parameter is a value to be passed to a SBMJOB's "USER"
parameter, and so it should accept either a valid SNAME or "*CURRENT,"
but reject the user profiles that are prohibited for that parameter of

And if I can reject it at the command level, rather than the CPP level,
then a wrong value will of >>course keep it from compiling in a CL program,
and make it fail a syntax check in SEU.


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