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Brace yourself for just a bit more TMI - not sure you are suggesting this, but we are told not to use any LF in the SELECT statement. If we do, the optimizer goes out to find the PF, then does what it would have done to find the best plan.

Basically, the optimizer won't use an LF just because we put it in the SELECT table list.

I believe DYNSLT is more relevant for non-SQL IO. Maybe we are talking at cross-purposes, however.


On 3/10/2021 11:36 AM, Gad Miron wrote:

TMI indeed

I figure that a large DYNSLT LF with a large number of records that do not
meet the Select/Omit criteria will cause this phenomenon. .

HAND (Have A Nice Day)

date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 06:50:04 -0600
from: Vern Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Converting large amount of data

Gad, I don't think "always" is the operative word. It depends - a
select/omit LF is already an index and will often be used if the WHERE
clause matches the S/O specifications.

The SQL optimizer will work through existing indexes, including
DDS-based LFs, to find one that is suitable for selectivity and joining
and grouping, as well as column specification, etc.

BTW, there used to be an option in the QAQQINI, IGNORE_DERIVED_INDEX,
that defaulted to *YES - S/O LFs are derived-key indexes. That setting
is no longer in the QAQQINI, probably especially so because we can now
create similar indexes with SQL CREATE INDEX itself.

TMI, right?? :)


On 3/9/2021 11:58 PM, Gad Miron wrote:
Just a thought...

If the LF has a Select/Omit part then an index will always be built when
opening the LF
Won't it?


> On Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 3:10:18 PM EST,
<smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I?m resurrecting this old post because I have a problem.

We have rewritten our conversion to use CHGPF where we can.? Today
tried to DBU a logical file built over a huge physical (182M records)
it took 15 minutes (this is a severely restricted machine) and it said
something about rebuilding the index.?

I thought CHGPF updated the indexes while it was running (excluding the
mismatched ones that we discussed earlier).? We can?t use the CHGPF if
is going to delay the normal processing the first time that it tries to
the index.

Is there something I missed in all of this?

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