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We have to use it for a 3rd party Windows app that communicates with an ACS
5250 session. So it sounds related to what you're trying. I'm afraid
that's all I know. Our IT installs the bridge from IBM and the 3rd party

date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 20:02:47 +0000
from: Paul Nicolay <paul.nicolay@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: IBM i ACS and EHLLAPI bridge


Can anyone position the EHLLAPI bridge in relation to IBM i ACS (which
refers to it on the Configure, Preferences, Start Options menu) as it isn't
clear to me.

I'm trying to connect from within Excel using VB Script to the emulator
(and I was under the impression that the bridge should support this) to do
some basic input/output to the emulator but somehow this doesn't really
work (however it detects the emulator is active, so there's a basic link).

The piece of code I have in an Excel macro is...

Dim autECLOIA As Object

Set autECLOIA = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLOIA")
autECLOIA.SetConnectionByName ("A")
Set autECLOIA = Nothing

... and runs fine up until the WaitForAppAvailable which waits forever.

Kind regards,

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