× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Jon,

Here is the data structure.

In testing I did have allowextra=yes but even with this if the count was
the maximum array size I could consider this an error and more records did

What I am trying to do is cater for a situation where I get more records
than what I have allowed in my array size - how do I process the json in
multiple passes ?

So booking_ref_num is unique.

dcl-ds SATSSData_GetData qualified template inz;
booking_ref_num varchar(30) inz(*blanks);
journey_id zoned(9) inz(*zeros );
device_type varchar(20) inz(*blanks);
my_sa_gov_username varchar(100) inz(*blanks);
vehicle_plate varchar(10) inz(*blanks);
current_journey_status varchar(20) inz(*blanks);
start_journey_calculated_datetime varchar(25) inz(*blanks);
end_journey_calculated_datetime varchar(25) inz(*blanks);
full_journey_offline varchar(10) inz(*blanks);
satss_subsidy_from_card varchar(25) inz(*blanks);
payment_total_fare_in_cents varchar(15) inz(*blanks);
payment_subsidy_applied_cents varchar(15) inz(*blanks);
payment_passenger_to_pay_in_cents varchar(15) inz(*blanks);
payment_levy_cents varchar(15) inz(*blanks);
trumps_driver_id varchar(10) inz(*blanks);
location_start_lookup varchar(20) inz(*blanks);
location_end_lookup varchar(20) inz(*blanks);
created_on_utc varchar(25) inz(*blanks);

Don Brown

MSD Information Technology
t: 07 3368 7888
m: 0408 751 644
e: dbrown@xxxxxxxxxx

From: "Jon Paris" <jon.paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion"
Date: 11/12/2020 09:37 AM
Subject: Re: DATA-INTO where number of records not known
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Multiple options.

I'm guessing that %Handler doesn't work because the repeating element is
not at the top level? In that case you can use the path= option to drill
down to the repeating level and use %Handler that way. If you need the
earlier non repeating stuff then you can do that with a separate pass of

I could offer other suggestions if you could give us a hint or two as to
what the json looks like. It really depends on the document and
whereabouts the unknown number of repeats occurs.

To directly answer your question though - no - the count will not be set
correctly. DATA-INTO would error out at the point that the limit was
exceeded, unless you specified allowextra=yes in which case it should
complete but the count would be set to the maximum array size. Easy
enough to test this ... just code an example with a tiny number of

On Dec 10, 2020, at 5:01 PM, Don Brown via MIDRANGE-L
<midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(Sorry, not sure if this is should be the RPG list only or the Midrange

We are using data-into with YAJLINTO to process a json file we retrieve
from an external site using a web service.

The web service does not provide any options as to controlling the
of records to be returned.

The json returned does not have an element for the number of records

If I put a count at the highest level will this be set correctly if the
number of records retrieved exceeds the array size ? And if yes how do I

then process the records past that point ?

I don't think the %handler option helps - well the way I read the doco

How do I either check how many records have been returned or process a
json string that exceeds the number of elements in my receiving array ?

Thanks for all suggestions


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