× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Darryl, add a trigger *BEFORE *INSERT to TARGET_FILE:

if new.id = 0;
// Generate the id using a dtaara

And then

(Select 0, FLD1, FLD2 from SOURCE_FILE)

Marco Facchinetti

Mr S.r.l.

Tel. 035 962885
Cel. 393 9620498

Skype: facchinettimarco

Il giorno mer 11 nov 2020 alle ore 17:14 a4g atl <a4ginatl2@xxxxxxxxx> ha

I have a file with fields: ID, field1, field2. ID is the key and is unique.

I have a SQL script to read a view and insert records into this file. ID is
a numeric field so I tried to use the following to auto generate the next
ID number.

(Select (Select Max(ID) + 1 from TARGET_FILE), FLD1, FLD2 from SOURCE_FILE)

The problem is it builds the ( Select Max(ID) + 1 from TARGET_FILE) upfront
and so the value is the same for each record in the source_file.

Are there suggestions on how to achieve this?
I want to avoid using a RPG program to get this to work.
I am not able to define the PF as a table so the field will remain a
numeric field.

TIA, Darryl Freinkel
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