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Yes you can have multiple computer connecting to a printer. There can be timeout issues that way as only one can have the printer at a time. The remote out queue is the best way. Only one computer doing the printing but the remote computer sending to the local that prints. You only see the spool files generate on the remote system on the remote system. The remote system will receive all spool files and you can see all of them there.

Chris Bipes
Director of Information Services
CrossCheck, Inc.

-----Original Message-----

Subject: RE: Printing to a remote system


I'd like to ask a follow-up question if I may. Chris, you were saying if the printer is IP attached that I can define it to my test system. Just to clarify - so you're saying that if it's tied to an IP address I can create a device description, etc. on my test system that points to that IP and it would work exactly the same way as it does from my production system? Also, when you refer to using CRTOUTQ, I'm a little fuzzy on some aspects of that. If I create output queue ZEBRA on my test system and use my production system for the remote system, should I then be able to do a WRKOUTQ ZEBRA on the production system and see it there? Thanks for the info!

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