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Just curious:

does the SQL statement return all occurrences of the object, even those you are not authorized to? DSPOBJD will not, IIRC.

Op 17-9-2020 om 20:40 schreef smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx:
I am in the early stages of writing a small archiving program. The user (IT
is my user) will be able to enter an object name and my program will return
a screen showing every location of every type of object that matches the
name. This includes file, dataareas, programs, etc. It will also show
anywhere that if finds a source member with that name. The user will then
be able to select what should or should not be archived. What else they
want on the screen has yet to be defined. I will guess that at some point
when it finds a physical file that they will want to see all of the logical
files too.

If I use the following SQL, it chugs FOREVER (it is still running after 15

select objlib, objtype, objtext

from table(object_statistics('*ALLUSR','*ALL'))

where objname = 'SOMEOBJECT'

If I do dspobjd obj(*allusr/someobject) objtype(*all) output(*outfile)
outfile(qtemp/dspobjd), it returns in a second or two.

So, a few questions.

1. Why is the SQL statement so slow?
2. Before I spend time writing a program to use the QUSLOBJ API, does
anyone know if it runs about as fast as DSPOBJD or is it more in line with
the time of the SQL because of the amount of information that it returns
3. Is there another way to retrieve this info that I'm not thinking of?

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