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Hi All,

Please note: We are locked into QDLS for the time being and that is that.

I am leaning towards a recent Microsoft update being the likely cause but
that is unproven.

The problem is users on Windows 10 that have mapped drives to QDLS which
are using SMB1

This is causing the share to QDLS to fail..

To resolve the problem we have to delete all their mapped drives, restart
the Windows Explorer process and then remap the drives again.
It’s only the QDLS share that has the issue, being the only one that needs
SMB1, but if I don’t get rid of the other shares, windows won’t allow you
to remap QLDS.

System is V7R3 and was up to date with PTF's 3 months ish ago.

When we first upgraded to 7.3 we tried using SMB2 but had to revert to
SMB1 and I am having trouble remembering exactly what happened at SMB2.

I am not going to hold my breath hoping for an answer that solves my
problem, BUT there are some awfully cleaver people on this list :-)


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