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This was answered yesterday - basically, none of the system catalogs include logical files. The catalog views are built over the DB cross-reference PFs and usually have something in the WHERE clause that limits the output to SQL-based objects.

And people generally don't have rights to even read the database cross-reference PFs - Mark Waterbury pointed out an LF over QADBFDEP, QADBLDEP,  that IS readable.

Googling around I found some admittedly old info on a site for a product called SQLThing - http://sqlthing.com/SQLThingEEHelp/Frameset.htm - it's going to be incomplete, being "current" as of V5R1.  :)  But it does have lists of some of the LFs over the DB XREF PFs, maybe a starting point.


On 6/11/2020 6:33 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
I believe your original question was:
Does anyone know if there is an SQL view that will provide all of the
logicals and indexes built over a physical file
One suggestion I gave you was to look at the system catalog and gave a link for
In there I see views like SYSINDEXES and SYSVIEWS.
Did you notice these?

Now, are they all inclusive? Do they include join logical files? Do they include LF's which are not "view" or "indexes"? We can have that discussion now.

Rob Berendt

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