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An alternative is to have a Power system where you keep your remote VTL. Restore to that and transmit it from that. We have two data centers. One is primary and one has our H/A setup. We backup nightly from our H/A machine.

Another alternative is to load the other VTL on the truck and bring it over but do you really want your only remaining backups on a truck?

Some VTL's have the capability to copy to physical tape. I think there are people who utilize this capability to copy from all sorts of weird devices to each other. However this would involve having a physical tape device around. We have none.

How often do you restore locally? What kind of recovery time does your VTL maintenance promise on your VTL? If you're talking about an entire DC fire or other such disaster you also have the recovery time of getting a new Power system in, having a place to run it and all that to figure in so that gives you more time for your VTL vendor to get you a new unit. Then there's the data transmission time to replicate your replacement unit up to speed. If you're this critical you really should be talking about an offsite backup Power system.

Rob Berendt

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