× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I have the following data structure;

dcl-ds ValidationFields qualified;
value varchar(50);
title varchar(50);
id varchar(10);

dcl-ds fields likeds(ValidationFields) dim(20);

This is just a snippet of a very large set of data structures used to
process json

If I do a data-into and the data contains for example 2 values for fields
if I try and access the 3rd element I get an error;

MSG(RNX0115) Length of varying length field variable is out of range.

ok that is correct as the length of that field would be zero.

I could code a count ...

count_fields int(10);
dcl-ds fields likeds(ValidationFields) dim(20);

Which would be set to 2 and then use that to control what array elements I
access. (While this is the best option I would like to understand the

I thought I could check the length like

if %len(fields(x).id) > 0;

But this also fails with the same error which I am not yet understanding
why ?

In debug if I display fields I see all 20 occurrences of the three fields.

Do/should I initialise the data structure ? and if I do that what length
would be assigned to the varchar fields or do I need to set a minimum
length in that case ?

I am sure there is a document that explains this but so far this morning I
have not found it.

Assistance appreciated.


Don Brown

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