× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Ah - so my confusion - when you said UI, I thought you were referring to a graphical UI - now the light dawns!!


On 8/6/2019 7:58 AM, Craig Richards wrote:
Hi Vern,

I'm not really talking about a specific utility, but I can give you

YWRKF - a utility that used to come as part of the SYNON application:
WRKDBF - a popular but no longer maintained utility: http://www.wrkdbf.com/

I recall using something called DspRcdFmt that I may even have written
myself at a previous client's site.
If I did, I didn't keep the source code.

The point is that the system supplied DSPFFD uses the Display Spooled File
UI, and it's not a very convenient output form.

I've been playing Birgitta's suggestion of ACS schema a bit this morning
and it's ok but I'm finding sometimes when I click "Definition" from the
context menu of a table, it responds in about 5 seconds, other times it
takes over a minute. I'll persevere for a while but I'm already thinking my
life is too short for that.

Don has kindly offered to send me the source of their in-house solution but
I see Bradley has also kindly given me a link to lsttffd (which actually
rings a bell also although I couldn't immediate say if I'm remembering
using Bradley's utility at a previous site or if it was just a utility that
I or someone else wrote with that name ) so I think I'll check that out.

best regards,

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