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On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 3:14 PM Rob Berendt <rob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well a bulk of the links there had nothing to do with Windows.

It was a suggestion from Jack Woehr. Of course it wasn't going to be
specific to Windows.

Apparently it requires adding a bunch of stuff to each client that wants to use it.
IOW: Overly complicated.

It's true that the necessary components do not come preinstalled on
Windows. (At least not that I know of, for now. With Microsoft's
continuing shift toward Linux and open source, maybe that will change

For some, having to install new stuff is clearly a deal-breaker due to
company policy. But if you are permitted and willing, then setting up
SSHFS is a viable option. It's not really more complicated to
*explain* than Navigator for i:


I will say that the SSHFS picture on Windows was in quite a state of
flux for several years. There are plenty of links with old
information, and just a couple of years ago, I found it very difficult
to sift through them to find what would work for me. For example,
Aaron Bartell wrote an article extolling SSHFS, but his links for
Windows don't work anymore. I *think* things have stabilized now, but
I wouldn't rule out a return to chaos.

For me, Navigator for i is not only slow, it doesn't work at all,
because I do not have *IOSYSCFG authority. But I am able to mount the
IFS on my PC using SSHFS.

John Y.

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