× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Also, if you have RDi, you can do searches with the iSphere plugin - you can define a library filter that has all your libraries that contain source. Your search can use the general-expression stuff I suggested.

When you search over a filter, it gathers everything and runs it altogether - and very fast, compared, say, to PDM search over individual libraries.

You can get the output into the clipboard, into a spreadsheet - very cool - and it's FREE!!!


On 4/10/2019 2:46 PM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:

What you describe is generally a cross-reference application - Sequel Software's Abstract and Hawkeye's Pathfinder and Fresche' X-Analysis (I believe) and MDXREF are 4 that run on IBM i - they scan source for variables that come from tables and all - these are not cheap.

It might be possible parse the cross-reference output of compilations.

And you can use some general-expression to isolate full words - there might even be an option for that in your search tool - but something that can say give me results where the character just before the value is not a letter or number - same for the character just after - that isolates it as "full word" - someone please tune this up if I'm off some.


On 4/10/2019 1:55 PM, smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am trying to find all of the programs that reference particular field
names from particular files.  I need to look at RPG and CL (all flavors of

For example, I am trying to find all of the references to the field "ACCT".
When I try to scan source, I found values like CUSTACCT, ACCTDESC, GLACCT,
etc.  I can't scan for it with a space before or after or I miss
"%trim(ACCT)".  I know I can narrow it down by doing a DSPPGMREF of each
program and eliminate all programs that don't reference the file but that is
still a log of programs and the number of files and fields that I need to do
this for is huge.  Are there any commands that would let me see field names
used inside of a program.

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