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Still the same errors

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vernon Hamberg
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 9:21 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: xml error

Capitalize the 'I' of item in kbmdata/item


On 4/8/2019 10:47 AM, Danner, Duane wrote:
Yes that is the path

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Michael Ryan
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 10:29 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: xml error

I’m asking if the path is correct.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 8, 2019, at 11:05 AM, Danner, Duane <ddanner@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This is a copy of the xml file and this is where kbmdata/item is
coming from

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <kbmdata>
- <Item>
<OLASS>Transducer</OLASS> <OUBCLASS>Transducer - Strain gauge Load
Cell</OUBCLASS> <OTATE>Active</OTATE> <OHASE>Production</OHASE>
Parameter</OABEL2> <OALUE2>/</OALUE2> <OABEL3>Max.
Parameter</OABEL3> <OALUE3>/</OALUE3> <OABEL4>Output Type: DIGITAL
<OABEL5 />
<OALUE5 />
<OABEL6 />
<OALUE6 />

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Michael Ryan
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 10:01 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: xml error

Kind of hard to read, but is file 'kbmdata/item' specified correctly? It's under your current directory? And this file '\\xxx.xx.x.x\home\dannd\Item_20190218_162200_.xml'
is found at that address?

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 10:41 AM Danner, Duane <ddanner@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have googled the user define function error cpf503e and I can't
find anything that makes sense. When I do a call here is the errors I get.
We are running V7R3 Attached is our program.

call engxml
User-defined function error on member QSQPTABL.
User-defined function error on member QSQPTABL.
Trigger program or external routine detected an error.
Number of rows 0 not valid.

The description for user defined function error

Message ID . . . . . . : CPF503E Severity . . . . . . . : 30
Message type . . . . . : Sender copy
Date sent . . . . . . : 04/08/19 Time sent . . . . . . :

Message . . . . : User-defined function error on member QSQPTABL.
Cause . . . . . : An error occurred while invoking user-defined function
GET_XML_FILE in library QSYS2. The error occurred while invoking
the associated external program or service program QDBSSUDF2 in
library QSYS, program entry point or external name QSQGTXML,
specific name GET_XML_FILE.
The error occurred on member QSQPTABL file QSQPTABL in library
QSYS2. The error code is 1. The error codes and their meanings follow:
1 -- The external program or service program returned SQLSTATE 42704.
text message returned from the program is: *N in *N type *FILE not
found. .
2 -- The external program failed before it completed.
3 -- The database timed out waiting for the program to return.
The timeout value used by the database was 0 minutes and 30 seconds.

The description for the trigger program or external error
Message ID . . . . . . : SQL0443 Severity . . . . . . . : 30
Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic
Date sent . . . . . . : 04/08/19 Time sent . . . . . . :

Message . . . . : Trigger program or external routine detected an error.
Cause . . . . . : Either a trigger program, external procedure, or
function detected and returned an error to SQL. If the error
occurred in a trigger program, the trigger was on table QDBSSUDF2
in schema QSYS.
If the
error occurred in an external procedure or function, the external
name is
QDBSSUDF2 in schema QSYS. The associated text is *N in *N type
*FILE not found.. If the error occurred in a trigger program, the
associated text is the type of trigger program. If the error
occurred in an external function, the associated text is the text
of the error message returned from the external function.
Recovery . . . : Refer to the joblog for more information regarding the
detected error. Correct the error and try the request again.

Here is my source code.
5770WDS V7R3M0 160422 SEU SOURCE LISTING 04/03/19 08:50:30 FAIRMONT
. . . ENGXML SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+...
5 ...+... 6 ...+...
7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0
100 /free 03/27/19
200 ctl-opt option(*nodebugio:*srcstmt); 03/27/19
300 03/27/19
400 dcl-ds Data qualified dim(9999); 03/27/19
500 XMACD char(1); 04/01/19
600 XMCO char(3); 04/01/19
700 XMCODE char(2); 04/01/19
800 XMDRNO char(15); 04/01/19
900 XMDSC char(30); 04/01/19
901 XMPN char(15); 04/01/19
902 XMPTRV char(2); 04/01/19
903 XMUTMS char(2); 04/01/19
904 XISBUC char(3); 04/01/19
905 XIGMSG char(3); 04/01/19
906 XMSTS char(1); 04/01/19
907 XMABOV char(1); 04/01/19
908 XMRPPN Char(15); 04/01/19
909 XMCCOD Char(3); 04/01/19
910 XMATOV Char(1); 04/01/19
911 XLASS Char(40); 04/01/19
912 XUBCLASS Char(40); 04/01/19
913 XTATE Char(20); 04/01/19
914 XHASE Char(20); 04/01/19
915 XABEL1 Char(40); 04/01/19
916 XALUE1 Char(60); 04/01/19
917 XABEL2 Char(40); 04/01/19
918 XALUE2 Char(60); 04/01/19
919 XABEL3 Char(40); 04/01/19
920 XALUE3 Char(60); 04/01/19
921 XABEL4 Char(40); 04/01/19
922 XALUE4 Char(60); 04/01/19
923 XABEL5 Char(40); 04/01/19
924 XALUE5 char(60); 04/01/19
925 XABEL6 char(40); 04/01/19
926 XALUE6 char(60); 04/01/19
927 XPACOD char(6); 04/01/19
928 XANFLG char(1); 04/01/19
929 XAANPN char(16); 04/01/19
930 XXENT char(10); 04/02/19
931 XXPUR char(10); 04/02/19
932 XXPN char(15); 04/02/19
933 XXCO char(3); 04/02/19
934 XXREV char(2); 04/02/19
1000 end-ds; 03/27/19
1001 * 04/02/19
1002 DCL-DS ERRDS PSDS; 04/02/19
1003 ESTS1 *STATUS; 04/02/19
1004 ROUT1 *ROUTINE; 04/02/19
1005 PARM1 *PARMS; 04/02/19
1006 PGM1 *PROC; 04/02/19
1007 END-DS; 04/02/19
1008 * Prototype for 'CUPGMW01' 04/02/19
1010 END-PR; 04/02/19
1100 03/27/19
1200 dcl-s Rows uns(5) inz(%elem(Data)); 03/27/19
1201 DCL-S OFF CHAR(1); 04/02/19
1202 DCL-S ON CHAR(1); 04/02/19
1300 03/27/19
1500 03/27/19
1600 clear Data ; 03/27/19
1601 *inlr = *on; 04/01/19
1700 03/27/19
1800 exec sql DECLARE C0 CURSOR FOR 03/27/19
1900 SELECT A.* 03/27/19
2000 FROM XMLTABLE('kbmdata/item' 04/01/19
2200 GET_XML_FILE('\\xxx.xx.x.x\home\dannd\+ 04/02/19
2201 Item_20190218_162200_.xml')) 04/02/19
2300 COLUMNS 03/27/19
2400 XMACD char(1) PATH 'OMACD', 04/01/19
2401 XMCO char(3) PATH 'OMCO', 04/01/19
2402 XMCODE char(2) PATH 'OMCODE', 04/01/19
2403 XMDRNO char(15) PATH 'OMDRNO', 04/01/19
2404 XMDSC char(30) PATH 'OMDSC', 04/01/19
2405 XMPN char(15) PATH 'OMPN', 04/01/19
2406 XMPTRV char(2) PATH 'OMPTRV', 04/01/19
2407 XMUTMS char(2) PATH 'OMUTMS', 04/01/19
2408 XISBUC char(3) PATH 'OISBUC', 04/01/19
2409 XIGMSG char(3) PATH 'OIGMSG', 04/01/19
2410 XMSTS char(1) PATH 'OMSTS', 04/01/19
2411 XMABOV char(1) PATH 'OMABOV', 04/01/19
2412 XMRPPN Char(15) PATH 'OMRPPN', 04/01/19
2413 XMCCOD Char(3) PATH 'OMCCOD', 04/01/19
2414 XMATOV Char(1) PATH 'OMATOV', 04/01/19
2415 XLASS Char(40) PATH 'OLASS', 04/01/19
2416 XUBCLASS Char(40) PATH 'OUBCLASS', 04/01/19
2417 XTATE CHAR(20) PATH 'OTATE', 04/01/19
2418 XHASE CHAR(20) PATH 'OHASE', 04/01/19
2419 XABEL1 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL1', 04/01/19
2420 XALUE1 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE1', 04/01/19
2421 XABEL2 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL2', 04/01/19
2422 XALUE2 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE2', 04/01/19
2423 XABEL3 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL3', 04/01/19
2424 XALUE3 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE3', 04/01/19
2425 XABEL4 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL4', 04/01/19
2426 XALUE4 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE4', 04/01/19
2427 XABEL5 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL5', 04/01/19
2428 XALUE5 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE5', 04/01/19
2429 XABEL6 CHAR(40) PATH 'OABEL6', 04/01/19
2430 XALUE6 CHAR(60) PATH 'OALUE6', 04/01/19
2500 XPACOD CHAR(60) PATH 'OPACOD', 04/01/19
2600 XANFLG CHAR(1) PATH 'OANFLG', 04/01/19
2700 XAANPN CHAR(16) PATH 'OAANPN', 04/02/19
2701 XXENT CHAR(16) PATH 'TXENT', 04/02/19
2702 XXPUR CHAR(16) PATH 'TXPUR', 04/02/19
2703 XXPN CHAR(16) PATH 'TXPN', 04/02/19
2704 XXCO CHAR(16) PATH 'TXCO', 04/02/19
2705 XXREV CHAR(16) PATH 'TXREV' 04/02/19
2900 ) AS A ; 03/27/19
3000 03/27/19
3100 exec sql OPEN C0; 04/01/19
3200 03/27/19
3300 exec sql FETCH C0 FOR :Rows ROWS INTO :Data ; 03/27/19
3400 03/27/19
3500 exec sql GET DIAGNOSTICS :Rows = ROW_COUNT ; 03/27/19
3600 03/27/19
3700 exec sql CLOSE C0 ; 03/27/19
3800 03/27/19
3900 exec sql INSERT INTO WTFLIB1.ITMPARTXML 04/01/19
3901 :Rows ROWS 03/27/19
3902 VALUES(:Data) 03/27/19
3903 WITH NC ; 03/27/19
3904 04/01/19
3905 *********** 04/02/19
3907 *********** 04/02/19
3908 BEGSR *PSSR; 04/02/19
3909 * 04/02/19
3910 CUPGMW01(); 04/02/19
3911 DUMP PGM1; 04/02/19
3912 *INLR = ON; 04/02/19
3913 RETURN; 04/02/19
3914 * 04/02/19
3915 ENDSR; 04/02/19
4000 /END-FREE 04/01/19
4100 04/01/19
* * * * E N D O F S O U R C E * * *


Duane Danner

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