× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Well Said!!!


Carl Novit
Vice President
Extension: 7708

From: "DrFranken" <midrange@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04/13/2018 03:51 PM
Subject: POWERUp18 (the Conference) -vs- COMMON (the Association)
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Some of you have been around a long time, I know because I met you a
back then! When I first attended a COMMON conference the servers were
different colors, ALL the code was in strict columns, connections were
Twinax and BiSync and well, I was young!

Back then pretty much the only things that COMMON provided were two
excellent conferences per year. OK there was a bit more than that such
as the requirements process (now CAAC) but pretty much that was it. We
sure didn't have much of a web presence, because there was no web!

Today however COMMON is the organization and POWERUp18 is our 2018
Annual conference. Why the distinction? Glad you asked!

COMMON is an association of computer professionals. It has it's
headquarters in Chicago IL, USA and draws volunteers from all over North
America and even many from much further away than that. Today we are no
longer your father's COMMON!

Here are things that COMMON (the Association) provides:

We are an Education provider

In-person conferences and events - POWERUp is but one of these.
Online webcasts
Online webinars
Online boot camps
Virtual conferences
Webcast library
Video tutorials

We provide Publications

Connector e-newsletter
Blogs – general and Scott’s iLand (and more coming!)

We have Certifications

Associate and professional levels

We support and facilitate Advocacy

COMMON Americas Advisory Council
RFEs (Requests for Enhancement)

We have a long list of Volunteer Opportunities

Develop skills in management, speaking, etc.

We facilitate Networking

Connect with others in the industry
Learn from others
Develop friendships

COMMON also has a job board, provides a way to get speakers for your
local users groups, and is always looking for ways to enhance the
careers of our members.

As you saw in the list POWERUp is our annual conference. Yes it IS the
single biggest thing that COMMON the association produces each year but
there is so much more to COMMON than its conferences!

So you can see that you should Attend POWERUp18 and be a Member of COMMON!

Won't you join me in attending POWERUp18 in San Antonio and see COMMON
your association doing just one of the things that it does best!

Thank you and hope to see you there!!

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