On 3/19/2018 7:54 AM, Justin Taylor wrote:
Does the iACS Windows component have the cwbping command?
9.1.11 Ping
/PLUGIN=ping /SYSTEM=<system> [</options>]
Options include:
/SSL=<1|0> Turn SSL on or off
/ACCEPTALLCERTS=<1|0> Whether or not to automatically add all SSL
certificates to the trusted set (when using SSL).
/SERVERAUTH=<1|0> Turn SSL Server authentication on or off (default is
off). This option is disregarded if not testing SSL.
/GUI=<1|0> Toggle GUI window on/off (default is off if launched
from command-line)
/PORTS=<port1,port2> A comma-separated list of ports to test. It can be
numbers or service names (e.g. /PORTS=as-signon,as-sts). If not
specified, a default set of ports is tested.
Specifying .CONSOLE will check a list of console specific ports.
/TIMEOUT=<seconds> Specify a timeout value, in seconds.
This plugin checks the connectivity to the IBM i by opening a connection to the appropriate port. If verifying an SSL connection, an SSL handshake is attempted. If it is launched from the main GUI, or invoked with /GUI=1, this plugin displays a dialog. If launched from the command-line without /GUI=1, output is sent to the console.
By default, the following services are checked:
as-central, as-rmtcmd, as-database, as-dtaq, as-file, as-netprt, drda,
This function can be launched from the main GUI by:
System Configurations
select a system and then Edit
General tab
Verify Connection
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