× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Please understand, that even when you save libraries it gets confused
there. For example, if you have libraries named QRYROB, QRYSUE, QRYGEORGE
are those user or system libraries?
Often it is done by naming convention. There is risk to that. For
example, if you omit /Q* then what about the difference between
'/QIBM/UserData' and '/QIBM/ProdData'?

Starting with 7.2 and above IBM has gone to great lengths to flag many log
file directories with CHGATR ATR(*ALWSAV) VALUE(*NO)

Trying to figure out where a bulk of your time is spent in your IFS stuff
and omitting that is difficult because there are no easy utilities like
querying Object_Statistics to sort and group to get size. It can be done,
but it may involve a lot of work.

One thing to consider is hardware upgrades. I know this grinds some
people the wrong way but if you're running really old stuff anyway you may
find this another bullet in your belt. For example, a fiber attached LTO7
drive will blow the doors off a QIC120 cartridge. And a VTL is really

Rob Berendt

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