I've done tutorials and demos for both, and I like Ruby much more. Not as keen on Rails. It reminds me a lot of RPGII, there's a lot going on out of sight.
Of the two, Node is the only one I have installed. It's got IBM behind it, and I feel that's safer horse to bet on.
From: John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 2:20 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: Ruby status
On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Richard Schoen
<Richard.Schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[Aaron Bartell] now seems to have switched core focus to Node.Js.
Not sure if that means Ruby didn't go over as super-hot on the i or he found Node more compelling.
I don't mean to speak for him, but I do have an idea of the situation.
I am confident he still loves Ruby as a language. Pretty much everyone
who learns it loves it. I would be very surprised if it were not still
his personal favorite. (I think it's Kevin Adler's favorite as well.)
Ruby on Rails in particular is a great Web platform, and if it suits
you, there's nothing better.
Aaron's choice to focus on Node.js is completely pragmatic. There are
definitely advantages to using fewer different languages in a project.
(And it's not like JavaScript is a woefully underpowered or cumbersome
language. It's actually similar in power and expressiveness to the
other big scripting languages, including Ruby, Python, Perl, and PHP.)
Also, I imagine if he's doing any hiring, it's easier to find people
who know JavaScript than people who know Ruby.
John Y.
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