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On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Scott Klement
<midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think you are confused, this has nothing to do with Putty or anything you
are running on the client side. The ability to hit the up-arrow and get the
previous command has to do with the shell you are logging into (on the
server or remote PC).

While this is what I believe everyone offering advice has been trying
to say, and it's certainly not wrong, I would like to point out that
there is nothing to stop a client program from storing its own history
if it wants to, and providing an interface for easy recall of previous

Back in my MUDding days, it was very common for clients to do exactly
this. You wouldn't type directly at the server's command prompt, but
rather into a buffer managed by the client (usually appearing as a
separate little input window at the bottom). You could pull past
commands into this buffer, or edit it to your heart's content, and
only when you pressed Enter would the whole buffer get sent over the
network. Since the command line interfaces on the MUDs themselves were
typically very rudimentary, especially in the early days, the client
program was in the best position to provide these capabilities.

So I would say it's not *quite* true that it absolutely doesn't matter
what you are using as your client. But it is definitely *customary* to
let the remote shell handle as much as it can on its own.

John Y.

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