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I just had to implement this API to purge remote journal receivers last
week. I got it done, but I wouldn't call my solution elegant. Thank
goodness for the new nested datastructures. That did help some. Anyway,
I don't see where you said you found Carsten's tip library. I'm searching
now, but if you could provide a link or something better to search on, I'd
appreciate it.

Darren Strong

From: Joe Pluta <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 09/09/2017 10:00 AM
Subject: Carsten's Tip Library
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I've just come up for air after immersing myself into Carsten's tip
library. I've used some of his tips over the years but since I consider
myself a decent API programmer I've usually managed to handle most IBM
APIs myself. Then I hit the wall with QjoRetrieveJournalEntries and saw
Carsten's note from a week or ago and the light bulb went on for me.

If you haven't seen this library and you plan to do any API programming,
especially for complex APIs, I highly recommend getting the code if
nothing else just for the fundamental API programming techniques. The
QjoRetrieveJournalEntries API programming in and of itself is worth the
time. Carsten's techniques for building one of IBM's brutally complex
API parameter structures is nothing short of brilliant.

The programming is excellent. It's fixed-format, but that's not even a
nitpick, just something you need to know up front. It's written using
excellent ILE technique, so should convert to free-format without any
problems. If I get an opportunity, I'm going try to convert some of it
and see what I get out of it. Because I have so much extra time, you

Again, though, if you see any API programming in your future (and really
you should) then I think this is one of the best resources on the
Internet. The same way I consider Scott Klement the go-to source on all
things IFS-related (and other topics as well), I think Carsten's work is
absolutely essential for complex API programming.

My biggest problem? Where am I going to find the time to learn UIM
programming... :)

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