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Hi Spencer

I was first going to reply with a suggestion to use RUNSQL to execute maybe a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE in CL - trouble is, then you still need to read the result - and for that you need a table already defined with the structure (format) in order to use DCLF.

Now another thought - SYSCOLUMNS is just a view, I believe - how about creating one's own view over the same tables that doesn't have the troublesome columns, then use THAT in a CL? Or maybe even an index that has a list of columns to include in the result? I've not tested that, but it might work in a DCLF.


On 8/20/2017 7:22 PM, Spencer Elliott wrote:
I did not see exactly what you were trying to do BUT there are a couple of
commands (RUNSQL & RUNSQLSTM) that you can run from within a CL program.
These commands have some fairly severe restrictions but may do the task.


On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Jim Oberholtzer <
midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


There are many system administration tasks that could be done if the things
Dan is referring to could be done in CL. Many Sysadmins have left RPG
and/or COBOL behind and don't want to deal with it. You're correct of
course it's not hard, but it is if you don't write RPG but a couple times a
year. Also not all sysadmins came from a development background so they
would not have the education in those things in the first place. No I'm
arguing that Sysadmins should not learn it, but it's going to be stretch
for many.

Jim Oberholtzer
Agile Technology Architects

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Vernon Hamberg
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:13 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Retrieving SYSCOLUMNS field in CLLE

Hi Dan

Seems this is another prime example of why one does NOT use CL for this
of thing - it is all so easy in RPGLE. And I suspect CL won't support
like LOBs on DCLF any time soon.

I suggest using DECLARE CURSOR in RPGLE - eezee-peezee!


On 8/18/2017 3:18 PM, Dan wrote:
I have a CREATE TABLE in a CLLE program that queries SYSCOLUMNS for
one record (never more than one record, could be zero) and I need the
value from one field.

I tried DCLF SYSCOLUMNS and did an override to the file created by
CREATE TABLE, but upon doing a RCVF, I got CPF428A (Open failed
because "The format for file TMPSYSCOLS contains one or more large
object fields and the open request did not indicate that large object
fields could be processed by the user of the open."

I did specify AlwGraphic(*Yes) on the DCLF because it wouldn't compile
without it. But I see no option on DCLF or RCVF to process or ignore
"large object fields".

So, I am changing the query in the aforementioned CREATE TABLE to
select the one field I need. Now the table has the field, but since
it is created on the fly, I have nothing at compile time for a DCLF,
and I'd really like to avoid creating a permanent file for this. It
would just be freaking useful to be able to do a SELECT INTO in CL like
can in RPG.
Don't know if the "late Friday after a long week brain fry" is
affecting my memory, but is there a way to do this without creating a
permanent file needed to compile the program?

FWIW: We're on v7r1 with the latest TRs.

- Dan
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