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I've created a CL to consolidate performance data in an auxiliary library, because one of my customers never bought the PT1.

The way it works is :

1) I get into the GO PERFORM when possible or read the members on QAPMSYSTEM

2) I have an auxiliary library (in my case EWPFR) where I have a copy from the performance PF structures + a field with member name. Why? Some PF don't have a date field, and it is easier to perform joins with this field.

3) I iterate using CPYF *MAP on every PF per member name and then I run an SQL to update the blank field with that name. Then I perform the next CPYF...

4) I've picked the SQL code from PDI and performed some changes so I can run a multi-member (multi-date) query. Usually I run my favourite queries: LOCK Waits, DISK Overview, Disk Waits, CPU Waits (and usage) & Page Faults and then export these to CSV , so I can view, filter and graph using MS Excel.

It is not a perfect process , but it's quite functional and and can perform more queries from STRSQL, DBVisualizer or whatever I want with no override , alias or anything else.

If you want I can share the CL. Just send me a private mail



El 14/08/17 a las 17:34, Evan Harris escribió:
Hi all

I have a bit of a question regarding the best way to go about extracting
data from the performance data tables using SQL.

Currently I am (manually) running a command to Display a list of members to
an outfile in QTEMP then querying the table in QTEMP to get a list of the
members e.g.:

I then run a statement to do an OVRDBF and run the subsequent SELECT
statement like so:
MBR("member name") OVRSCOPE(*JOB)', 0000000078.00000);

After that I copy and paste the data into a worksheet.and repeat for each
day of the month I am looking at. The Select statement I actually use is a
bit more complicated (and specifies some columns rather than *) but I did
not want to post the entire statement here to cut down on unnecessary

I know I could write an RPG program to list the members and then loop
through each of them and run the SQL Statement after doing the OVRDBF, what
I am wondering is, how would I go about this using SQL as the main tool for
the solution ?

Can I do the whole thing as SQL or would I need to write some stored procs
or something else on the i to accomplish extracting a month of data at a
time. Right now I look at the member creation to limit the data to a single
month. The goal would be to create either a consolidated table on the i for
download or a .csv file for copy and paste import into Excel.The main thing
is to prodice whatever the output is in one pass (if possible).

I also know I could write a python script (or similar) on a PC - or the i I
guess - to extract the data but I am looking to see if I can learn how to
structure this as a "purely SQL" solution for the i as a learning exercise.

I want to run this on a number of different machines and it is simpler to
run SQL scripts than try and go through multiple change control processes
if I have to create programs (though I can do that if absolutley required).
Let's not quibble over why I can run SQL statements but programs need
change control...

So can I write some kind of clever script that loops through or somehow
selects the required members or do I need to write an RPG or CL to control
that part of the logic

Any suggestions welcome, I am just looking to learn something if I can.

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