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On 05-Jul-2017 09:41 -0600, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
[…] Based on the message/recovery actions-reason code 01 -

Should I create QSPL0002/QASPOUTQ?

Recovery . . . : Do one of the following based on the reason code
shown, and try the request again:
01 - Change the library name with an appropriate override file
command, or create […] a file with the appropriate name.

I am confident the effect for the existence of the file is something that the UDTF or the system Spool (SP) component/feature should have [in]directly accomplished; i.e. the system code should have done something, such that there was no cause for an Open request of that file to fail, be that due to having previously created the file, or due to having ignored the lack the presence of that file.

A SWAG, that if there were no spool files on [an Output Queue (OUTQ)] on ASP2, then perhaps the file might, nor or even possibly should not, exist; i.e. perhaps the UDTF could be improperly coded for lack of ability to ignore the lack of the file.? Thus, as a potential circumvention, create an output queue (CRTOUTQ) in a library [if that is the type of ASP supporting that action] assigned per Create Library (CRTLIB) with ASP(2), and then create a spooled file that resides on that output queue -- perhaps immediately after, check for the existence of that file, and again after the UDTF is invoked again.

Note: I previously referred to the QSPL0002 being indicative of an Independent ASP (iASP), but that naming [i.e. QSPL00## as name, with the ## representing the two-digit numbers between 02 and 32, inclusive,] is probably for the traditional User ASP ASP02.

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