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I have the same experience. The User RC has always worked well for me, but IBMers (and the docs) have told me that it is not reliable.

You did not say how you're going about running PASE?

But, I would suggest either running it through the STRQSH command, or by using a tool like my (free) UNIXCMD tool. These use pipes to solve the thread safety concerns.


On 6/30/2017 10:19 AM, MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I developed the habit years ago of calling QUSRJOBI and checking the "User
return code" to see if things finished correctly. However, the
documentation on QUSRJOBI states:

N/A; do not use: Thread safety is not applicable (N/A). The user return
code field is the most recent return code set by any thread within the
job. Many operating system functions run C code and change the value of
the user return code. Changes to this field occur at times that cannot be
predicted or controlled by user programming, even when the job is
single-threaded. To receive a value returned by a called program, it is
better to provide a parameter to receive that value than to rely on this
job-scoped user return code field.

Returning a parameter from PASE isn't really available. I've never had a
problem with the "User return code", but the documentation above is pretty
emphatic that I'm doing the wrong thing. Does anybody know of another
method to return the completion status of a script in PASE?

Michael Quigley
Computer Services
The Way International

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