× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Our v7r1 system uses Brad's MAILTOOL to send emails. I am not proficient
with the "hidden" technology of email, so when several of you had that huge
thread several weeks ago about email, 98% of that discussion went right
over my head.

Our i batch apps send a lot of emails to our IT group. A fair amount
(~10%) of it ends up in Outlook's "Junk Email" folder. The emails do not
have attachments nor do they have links, and they are the most basic text
messages. I.e., "Program IT0056R terminated abnormally." The intriguing
thing is that, for two of the same, identical emails, sent on different
days, one will be sent to junk mail and the other won't.

Outlook puts the following in the header of the message: "Links and other
functionality has been disabled. To restore functionality, move the message
to Inbox. This message was marked as spam using the Outlook Junk E-mail
filter." I don't see where I can review the Outlook Junk E-mail filter; I
imagine it's hidden on the server.

Is there a way to have Outlook recognize as legit email coming from either
of our development or production i systems?

- Dan

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