Hi everyone
Before I forget - we are on V7r1
I hope my question makes sense
I have this SQL query
create table QTEMP.MEDI5YEARS as
(SELECT distinct A.MCST#
FROM prodfa.mediap a join prodfa.ordhdrp b
on a.mdord# = digits(b.bammdd) concat
digits(b.bayy) concat digits(b.baxxx) concat b.ordnum
join prodfa.custcompny z on
b.bcmpy = z.custcmpny
where b.HUFL03 <> 'RE' and b.status not in
('RC', 'RX', 'VC', 'VX') and
iDate((b.Orddte - 72),'*MDY')
= (current_date - 5 year))
with data
By splitting this script into 2 (or more scripts), would THIS be quicker/more efficient - by creating a smaller work file to join with
create table QTEMP.ORDHDRPZ as
FROM prodfa.ordhdrp b
join prodfa.custcompny z on
b.bcmpy = z.custcmpny
where b.HUFL03 <> 'RE' and b.status not in
('RC', 'RX', 'VC', 'VX') and
iDate((b.Orddte - 72),'*MDY')
= (current_date - 5 year))
with data;
create table QTEMP.MEDI5YEARS as
(SELECT distinct A.MCST#
FROM prodfa.mediap a join QTEMP.ordhdrpz b
on a.mdord# = digits(b.bammdd) concat
digits(b.bayy) concat digits(b.baxxx) concat b.ordnum)
with data;
Alan Shore
E-mail : ASHORE@xxxxxxxx
Phone [O] : (631) 200-5019
Phone [C] : (631) 880-8640
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Winston Churchill
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