× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On the system I am using (and I won't mention which doctor is in charge), the IBM Navigator for i help facilities seem worthless. Three examples:

1. The "About console" link points the Knowledge Center, which only seems to repeat the 2-page "manual" that lists the most recent global changes.

2. Clicking *?* to display help about the currently displayed task gives me a new - but blank - window. I tried Chrome and Firefox.

3. The*Help* function displays what appears to be the 6.1 manual, although I am on a 7.2 system.

Is the problem me, my system administrator, or IBM?

Also, I cannot find a way to change my own password. The "Change Password" task seems to be an API that runs a subset of CHGUSRPRF, but it will not let me change the password of an active user. Now there's a Catch 22!

I am writing a course for entry-level operators and really don't want to tell them that everything that appears to be help is left over from previous releases and is no longer useful. I don't want to, but I will if that is the case.


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