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On 11/2/2016 9:45 AM, Mohammad Tanveer wrote:
I tried both.. in Notepad++ I see special codes in front of almost all
SWE/DEN characters when I switch the encoding to UTF-8 but not for accented
characters that's why I am thinking for some reason accented characters are
not converted properly or translation is not happening.

I'm not sure I've seen the CCSID of the column in the DB2 table.

Personally, I was easily confused about CCSIDs for a long time, until I
finally realised that translations occur in almost every access.
Imagine this situation:

DB2 column CCSID(277) - DEN
IBM i job CCSID(37) - US
IFS stream file CCSID(1208) - UTF-8
PC text file CCSID(819) - ASCII

If I use EDTF, DB2 translates between 277 and 37.
If I use CPYTOSTMF, DB2 translates between 277 and 1208.
If I FTP (binary) the IFS file to the PC, no translation occurs due to
If I FTP (ASCII) the IFS file to the PC, FTP translates 1208 to 819.

Some of these translations are going to result in character substitutions.

Can you share the following so that we may re-create the scenario?
IBM i version / TR
CCSID of the DB2 column
CCSID of the IBM i job
The complete CPYTOSTMF command

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