× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi James

QShell is a little strange - the utilities in it do not all work the same as they do in Linux or Unix. This difference can be things like which options are available, how pattern-matching works, whether characters are interpreted as ASCII or EBCDIC (I think that's right), etc.

It would be useful to see how you are calling your script - just what the QSHell command string looks like.

There is another Unix-like environment called PASE - it is actually based on IBM's Unix OS called AIX. The version of awk there is more likely to be like what you've run - of course, if it's been on a PC, that could also be a difference.

It is possible to make calls to PASE utilities from or using QShell. It is also to install a shell such as bash in PASE.

Others will have more to say - I'm just speaking about high-level general issues you can run into with QShell.


On 7/20/2016 10:07 AM, Fuchs, James M wrote:
I am at a loss. Have an Awk script that I need to run in the QSH/QShell environment but it will not run to completion.
The AWK script runs without issue if I run it on a PC but when I run it on the AS400 in QShell it only processes/recognizes the first pattern match.
I have tried everything I can think of but being new to both Awk and QShell have no clue where to look for clues as to what is wrong.

The AWK script file was written by a former colleague and has been running without issue on a PC environment for several years. Due to changes within the company, however, we need to move the processing onto the AS400 and out of the PC scripted process it has been running in.

One of the AWK script files is below. There are multiple scripts that all do basically the same processing and are structured similarly. I am also getting the same process results on all of them....

if (ARGC > 2) {
InputFile = ARGV[1];
OutputFile = ARGV[2];
ARGV[2] = "";
} else {
print("Output file name not specified.");
OutputFile = "Nul";
if (ARGC > 3) {
sep = ARGV[3];
RS = sep "|" sep "\n|" sep "\r\n";
ARGV[3] = "";
} else {
RS = "~|~\n|~\r\n|\n|\r\n|\32+"; # Input Record Separator
False = 0;
True = 1;
HaveError = False;
HaveTA1 = False;
WroteHeader = False;
Loop = "";
TransactionSetSegments = 0;
TestDocument = False;
rejectedBatch = False;
AckStatus["A"] = "The Transmitted Interchange Control Structure Header and Trailer Have Been Received and Have No Errors.";
AckStatus["E"] = "The Transmitted Interchange Control Structure Header and Trailer Have Been Received and Are Accepted But Errors Are Noted.\n This Means the Sender Must Not Resend This data.";
AckStatus["R"] = "The Transmitted Interchange Control Structure Header and Trailer are Rejected Because of Errors.";
InterchangeCode[0] = "No Error";
InterchangeCode[1] = "The Interchange Control Number in the Header and Trailer Do Not Match. The value From the Header is Used in the Acknowledgement";
InterchangeCode[2] = "This Standard as Noted in the Control Standards Identifier is Not Supported.";
InterchangeCode[3] = "This Version of the Controls is Not Supported";
InterchangeCode[4] = "The Segment Terminator is Invalid";
InterchangeCode[5] = "Invalid Interchange ID Qualifier for Sender";
InterchangeCode[6] = "Invalid Interchange Sender ID";
InterchangeCode[7] = "Invalid Interchange ID Qualifier for Receiver";
InterchangeCode[8] = "Invalid Interchange Receiver ID";
InterchangeCode[9] = "Unknown Interchange Receiver ID";
InterchangeCode[10] = "Invalid Authorization Information Qualifier Value";
InterchangeCode[11] = "Invalid Authorization Information Value";
InterchangeCode[12] = "Invalid Security Information Qualifier Value";
InterchangeCode[13] = "Invalid Security Information Value";
InterchangeCode[14] = "Invalid Interchange Date Value";
InterchangeCode[15] = "Invalid Interchange Time Value";
InterchangeCode[16] = "Invalid Interchange Standards Identifier Value";
InterchangeCode[17] = "Invalid Interchange Version ID Value";
InterchangeCode[18] = "Invalid Interchange Control Number Value";
InterchangeCode[19] = "Invalid Acknowledgment Requested Value";
InterchangeCode[20] = "Invalid Test Indicator Value";
InterchangeCode[21] = "Invalid Number of Included Groups Value";
InterchangeCode[22] = "Invalid Control Structure";
InterchangeCode[23] = "Improper (Premature) End-of-File (Transmission)";
InterchangeCode[24] = "Invalid Interchange Content (e.g., Invalid GS Segment)";
InterchangeCode[25] = "Duplicate Interchange Control Number";
InterchangeCode[26] = "Invalid Data Element Separator";
InterchangeCode[27] = "Invalid Component Element Separator";
InterchangeCode[28] = "Invalid Delivery Date in Deferred Delivery Request";
InterchangeCode[29] = "Invalid Delivery Time in Deferred Delivery Request";
InterchangeCode[30] = "Invalid Delivery Time Code in Deferred Delivery Request";
InterchangeCode[31] = "Invalid Grade of Service Code";
SegmentSyntaxError["1"] = "Unrecognized segment ID";
SegmentSyntaxError["2"] = "Unexpected segment";
SegmentSyntaxError["3"] = "Required segment missing";
SegmentSyntaxError["4"] = "Loop Occurs Over Maximum Times";
SegmentSyntaxError["5"] = "Segment Exceeds Maximum Use";
SegmentSyntaxError["6"] = "Segment Not in Defined Transaction Set";
SegmentSyntaxError["7"] = "Segment Not in Proper Sequence";
SegmentSyntaxError["8"] = "Segment Has Data Element Errors";
SegmentSyntaxError["I4"] = "Implementation \"Not Used\" Segment Present";
SegmentSyntaxError["I6"] = "Implementation Dependent Segment Missing";
SegmentSyntaxError["I7"] = "Implementation Loop Occurs Under Minimum Times";
SegmentSyntaxError["I8"] = "Implementation Segment Below Minimum Use";
SegmentSyntaxError["I9"] = "Implementation Dependent \"Not Used\" Segment Present";

ElementError["1"] = "Required Data Element Missing";
ElementError["2"] = "Conditional Required Data Element Missing";
ElementError["3"] = "Too Many Data Elements";
ElementError["4"] = "Data Element Too Short";
ElementError["5"] = "Data Element Too Long.";
ElementError["6"] = "Invalid Character In Data Element";
ElementError["7"] = "Invalid Code Value";
ElementError["8"] = "Invalid Date";
ElementError["9"] = "Invalid Time";
ElementError["12"] = "Too Many Repetitions";
ElementError["13"] = "Too Many Components";
ElementError["I10"] = "Implementation \"Not Used\" Data Element Present";
ElementError["I11"] = "Implementation Too Few Repetitions";
ElementError["I12"] = "Implementation Pattern Match Failure";
ElementError["I13"] = "Implementation Dependent \"Not Used\" Data Element Present";
ElementError["I6"] = "Code Value Not Used in Implementation";
ElementError["I9"] = "Implementation Dependent Data Element Missing";
SetStatus["A"] = "Accepted";
SetStatus["E"] = "Accepted But Errors Were Noted\rThe transaction set indicated in this AK2 loop contained errors, but was forwarded for further processing.";
SetStatus["M"] = "Rejected, Message Authentication Code (MAC) Failed";
SetStatus["R"] = "Rejected\rThe transaction set indicated in this AK2 loop contained errors, and was NOT forwarded for further processing. It will need to be corrected and resubmitted.";
SetStatus["W"] = "Rejected, Assurance Failed Validity Tests";
SetStatus["X"] = "Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed";
SetSyntaxErr["1"] = "Transaction Set Not Supported";
SetSyntaxErr["2"] = "Transaction Set Trailer Missing";
SetSyntaxErr["3"] = "Transaction Set Control Number in Header and Trailer Do Not Match";
SetSyntaxErr["4"] = "Number of Included Segments Does Not Match Actual Count";
SetSyntaxErr["5"] = "One or More Segments in Error";
SetSyntaxErr["6"] = "Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Identifier";
SetSyntaxErr["7"] = "Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Control Number";
SetSyntaxErr["8"] = "Authentication Key Name Unknown";
SetSyntaxErr["9"] = "Encryption Key Name Unknown";
SetSyntaxErr["10"] = "Requested service (Authentication or Encrypted) Not Available";
SetSyntaxErr["11"] = "Unknown Security Recipient";
SetSyntaxErr["12"] = "Incorrect Message Length (Encryption Only)";
SetSyntaxErr["13"] = "Message Authentication Code Failed";
SetSyntaxErr["15"] = "Unknown Security Originator";
SetSyntaxErr["16"] = "Syntax Error in Decrypted Text";
SetSyntaxErr["17"] = "Security Not Supported";
SetSyntaxErr["18"] = "Transaction Set not in Functional Group";
SetSyntaxErr["19"] = "Invalid Transaction Set Implementation Convention Reference";
SetSyntaxErr["23"] = "Transaction Set Control Number Not Unique within the Functional Group";
SetSyntaxErr["24"] = "S3E Security End Segment Missing for S3S Security Start Segment";
SetSyntaxErr["25"] = "S3S Security Start Segment Missing for S3E Security End Segment";
SetSyntaxErr["26"] = "S4E Security End Segment Missing for S4S Security Start Segment";
SetSyntaxErr["27"] = "S4S Security Start Segment Missing for S4E Security End Segment";
SetSyntaxErr["I5"] = "Implementation One or More Segments in Error";
SetSyntaxErr["I6"] = "Implementation Convention Not Supported";
GroupStatus["A"] = "Accepted";
GroupStatus["E"] = "Accepted But Errors Were Noted\rThe functional group indicated in this 999 contained errors, but was forwarded for further processing.";
GroupStatus["M"] = "Rejected, Message Authentication Code (MAC) Failed";
GroupStatus["P"] = "Partially Accepted, At least One Transaction Set Was Rejected";
GroupStatus["R"] = "Rejected\rThe functional group indicated in this 999 contained errors, and was NOT forwarded for further processing. It will need to be corrected and resubmitted.";
GroupStatus["W"] = "Rejected, Assurance Failed Validity Tests";
GroupStatus["X"] = "Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed";
GroupError["1"] = "Functional Group Not Supported";
GroupError["2"] = "Functional Group Version Not Supported";
GroupError["3"] = "Functional Group Trailer Missing";
GroupError["4"] = "Group Control Number in the Functional Group Header and Trailer Do Not Agree";
GroupError["5"] = "Number of Included Transaction Sets Does Not Match Actual Count";
GroupError["6"] = "Group Control Number Violates Syntax";
GroupError["10"] = "Authentication Key Name Unknown";
GroupError["11"] = "Encryption Key Name Unknown";
GroupError["12"] = "Requested Service (Authentication or Encryption) Not Available";
GroupError["13"] = "Unknown Security Recipient";
GroupError["14"] = "Unknown Security Originator";
GroupError["15"] = "Syntax Error in Decrypted Text";
GroupError["16"] = "Security Not Supported";
GroupError["17"] = "Incorrect Message Length (Encryption Only)";
GroupError["18"] = "Message Authentication Code Failed";
GroupError["19"] = "Functional Group Control Number not Unique within Interchange";
GroupError["23"] = "S3E Security End Segment Missing for S3S Security Start Segment";
GroupError["24"] = "S3S Security Start Segment Missing for S3E End Segment";
GroupError["25"] = "S4E Security End Segment Missing for S4S Security Start Segment";
GroupError["26"] = "S4S Security Start Segment Missing for S4E Security End Segment";
SenderName["00332"] = "National Government Services (AdminaStar)";
SenderName["00363"] = "Veritus";
SenderName["00390"] = "BCBS TN"
SenderName["00450"] = "National Government Services (UGS)";
SenderName["06001"] = "National Government Services (J6)";
SenderName["10301"] = "Cahaba GBA";
SenderName["12001"] = "Highmark Medicare Services rollup contractor";
SenderName["12401"] = "Highmark Medicare Services";
SenderName["15201"] = "CIGNA Government Services (CGS)";
SenderName["52280"] = "WPS";
SenderName["IHCP"] = "Indiana Health Coverage Programs"
SenderName["KYMEDICAID"] = "Kentucky Medicaid";
SenderName["41-1674742"] = "MN Department of Human Services";
SenderName["345529167"] = "Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare";
SenderName["WISC_DHFS"] = "Wisconsin Medicaid"
SenderName["MMISODJFS"] = "Ohio Dept of Job and Family Services";
SenderName["D00111"] = "Michigan Department of Community Health";
SenderName["ORDHS"] = "Oregon Department of Human Services"
SenderName["77045"] = "Washington DSHS ProviderOne";
SenderName["ID_MMIS_4MOLINA"] = "Idaho Medicaid";
PayerName["00000"] = "Unknown";
/^ISA/ {
FS = substr($0,4,1);
SenderID = trim(substr($0,36,15));
ReceiverID = trim(substr($0,55,15));
InterchgCtlNbr = trim(substr($0,91,9));
SUBSEP = substr($0,105,1);
if (substr($0,103,1) == "T") {
TestDocument = True;
WroteHeader = False;
/^TA1/ {
HaveTA1 = True;
TA101 = $2;
TA102 = $3;
TA103 = $4;
TA104 = $5;
TA104Desc = AckStatus[$5];
TA105 = $6;
TA105Desc = InterchangeCode[$6 + 0];
/^GS/ {
PayerID = $3;
ProcessDate = substr($5,5,2) "/" substr($5,7,2) "/" substr($5,1,4);
ProcessTime = substr($6,1,2) ":" substr($6,3,2)
if (length($6) > 4) {
ProcessTime = ProcessTime ":" substr($6,5,2);
AckGroupCtlNbr = $7;
WroteHeader = False;
FunctionalGroupCount += 1;
/^ST/ {
DocType = $2;
AckCtlNbr = $3;
TransactionSetCount += 1;
# if ((DocType == "999") && (!WroteHeader)) {
# print("Sender: . . . . . . . . . . " SenderID "\t" SenderName[SenderID]) >> OutputFile;
# if (TestDocument) {
# print("Document Usage: . . . . . . TEST") >> OutputFile;
# }
# print("Receiver: . . . . . . . . . " ReceiverID) >> OutputFile;
# print("Interchange Number: . . . . " InterchgCtlNbr) >> OutputFile;
# print("Payer: . . . . . . . . . . . " PayerID "\t" PayerName[PayerID]) >> OutputFile;
# print("Process Date: . . . . . . . " ProcessDate) >> OutputFile;
# print("Process Time: . . . . . . . " ProcessTime) >> OutputFile;
# print("Acknowledgement") >> OutputFile;
# print(" Group Control Number: . . " AckGroupCtlNbr) >> OutputFile;
# WroteHeader = True;
# }
if ((DocType = "999") && (!WroteHeader)) {
if (HaveTA1) {
WriteTA1Data(TA101, TA102, TA103, TA104, TA104Desc, TA105, TA105Desc);
print("----------------------------------------------") >> OutputFile;
haveST = True;
/^AK1/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
print("Acknowledging Functional Group") >> OutputFile;
print(" Control Number: . . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
PrevDocType = "";
/^AK2/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
Loop = "2000";
if (PrevDocType == $2) {
print("") >> OutputFile;
} else {
print(" Document Type: . . . . . " $2) >> OutputFile;
print("\n----------------------------------------------\n") >> OutputFile;
PrevDocType = $2;
print("Acknowledging Transaction") >> OutputFile;
print(" Set Control Number: . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
/^IK3/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
Loop = "2100";
HaveError = True;
print("\n********** ERROR **********") >> OutputFile;
SegmentName = $2;
if (SegmentName !="") {
print("Segment Name . . . . . . . . " SegmentName) >> OutputFile;
if ($3 != "") {
print("Position in Txn Set: . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
if ($4 != "") {
print("Loop Identifier Code: . . . " $4) >> OutputFile;
if ($5 != "") {
print("Error Description: . . . . . " SegmentSyntaxError[$5]) >> OutputFile;
/^CTX/ {
if (DocType = "999") {
if (Loop == "2100") {
if ($3 != "") {
print("Segment: . . . . . . . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
if ($4 != "") {
print("Position in Txn Set: . . . . " $4) >> OutputFile;
if ($5 != "") {
print("Loop Identifier: . . . . . . " $5) >> OutputFile;
if ($6 != "") {
print("Position in Segment: . . . . " $6) >> OutputFile;

if ((NF > 6) && ($7 != "")) {
print("Data Element Reference . . " $7) >> OutputFile;
} else {
if ($2 == "CLM01") {
if ($3 != "") {
print("Claim ID (PCN): . . . . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
} else {
if ($2 != "") {
print("Context Identifier: . . . . " $2) >> OutputFile;
if ($3 != "") {
print("Context Reference: . . . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
/^IK4/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
Loop = "2110";
print("Implementation Information") >> OutputFile;
if ($2 != "") {
print(" Position in Segment: . . . " $2) >> OutputFile;
if ($3 != "") {
print(" Element Dictionary: . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
if ($4 != "") {
print(" Element Error Description: ") >> OutputFile;
print(" " ElementError[$4]) >> OutputFile;
if ((NF > 4) && ($5 != "")) {
SegCopy = $5;
for (i=6; i<=NF; i++) {
SegCopy = SegCopy "*" $i;
SegCopy = "\"" SegCopy "\"";
print("\n Copy of Bad Data Element:") >> OutputFile;
print(" " SegCopy "\n") >> OutputFile;
/^CTX/ {
if (DocType = "999") {
if (Loop == "2110") {
if ($3 != "") {
print(" Segment: . . . . . . . . . " $3) >> OutputFile;
if ($4 != "") {
print(" Position in Txn Set: . . . " $4) >> OutputFile;
if ($5 != "") {
print(" Loop Identifier: . . . . . " $5) >> OutputFile;
if ($6 != "") {
print(" Position in Segment: . . . " $6) >> OutputFile;

if ((NF > 6) && ($7 != "")) {
print(" Data Elem Reference: . . " $7) >> OutputFile;
/^IK5/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
Loop = "2100";
if (HaveError) {
print("********** ERROR **********\n") >> OutputFile;
HaveError = False;
if ($2 != "") {
print("Transaction Set Status: . . " SetStatus[$2]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 2) {
print("\nTransaction Set Syntax Errors:") >> OutputFile;
print(" " SetSyntaxErr[$3]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 3) {
print(" " SetSyntaxErr[$4]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 4) {
print(" " SetSyntaxErr[$5]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 5) {
print(" " SetSyntaxErr[$6]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 6) {
print(" " SetSyntaxErr[$7]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 2) {
print("") >> OutputFile;
/^AK9/ {
if (DocType == "999") {
Loop = "";
print("") >> OutputFile;
print("Functional Group Status: . . " GroupStatus[$2]) >> OutputFile;
print("Number of Sets: . . . . . . Included " $3 " Received " $4 " Accepted " $5) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 5) {
print("\nFunctional Group Syntax Errors:") >> OutputFile;
print(" " GroupError[$6]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 6) {
print(" " GroupError[$7]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 7) {
print(" " GroupError[$8]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 8) {
print(" " GroupError[$9]) >> OutputFile;
if (NF > 9) {
print(" " GroupError[$10]) >> OutputFile;
print("\n") >> OutputFile;
/^SE/ {
TSError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
TSSegs = TransactionSetSegments + 1;
if ($3 != AckCtlNbr) {
TSError = True;
ErrorMsg = "The transaction set control number in SE02 is " $3 ", but the value in ST02 is " AckCtlNbr ".";
if (TSSegs != $2) {
if (TSError) {
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "\n";
TSError = True;
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "The actual number of segments in transaction set " AckCtlNbr " does not match the value in SE01.";
if (TSError) {
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
print(ErrorMsg) >> OutputFile;
print("This may indicate that the 999 document is corrupt.") >> OutputFile;
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
AckCtlNbr = "";
TSError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
TSSegs = 0;
haveST = False;
/./ {
if (haveST) {
TransactionSetSegments += 1;
} else {
TransactionSetSegments = 0;
/^GE/ {
FGError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
if (AckGroupCtlNbr != $3) {
FGError = True;
ErrorMsg = "The functional group control number in GE02 is " $3 ", but the value in GS06 is " AckGroupCtlNbr ".";
if (TransactionSetCount != $2) {
if (FGError) {
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "\n";
FGError = True;
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "The actual number of transaction sets in functional group " AckGroupCtlNbr " does not match the value in GE01.";
if (FGError) {
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
print(ErrorMsg) >> OutputFile;
print("This may indicate that the 999 document is corrupt.") >> OutputFile;
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
FGError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
AckGroupCtlNbr = "";
TransactionSetCount = 0;
/^IEA/ {
if (HaveTA1) {
WriteTA1Data(TA101, TA102, TA103, TA104, TA104Desc, TA105, TA105Desc);
ICError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
if (InterchgCtlNbr != $3) {
ICError = True;
ErrorMsg = "The interchange control number in IEA02 is " $3 ", but the value in ISA13 is " InterchgCtlNbr ".";
if (FunctionalGroupCount != $2) {
if (ICError) {
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "\n";
ICError = True;
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg "The actual number of functional groups in interchange " InterchgCtlNbr " does not match the value in IEA01.";
if (ICError) {
if ((FunctionalGroupCount != 0) || ($2 != 1) || (!rejectedBatch)) {
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
print(ErrorMsg) >> OutputFile;
print("This may indicate that the 999 or TA1 document is corrupt.") >> OutputFile;
print("********* WARNING *********") >> OutputFile;
ICError = False;
ErrorMsg = "";
InterchgCtlNbr = "";
FunctionalGroupCount = 0;
rejectedBatch = False;
function WriteTA1Data(TA101, TA102, TA103, TA104, TA104Desc, TA105, TA105Desc) {
if (FunctionalGroupCount > 0) {
print("----------------------------------------------") >> OutputFile;
} else {
if (TA104 == "R") {
RejectWarning = " ** BATCH WAS REJECTED **";
rejectedBatch = True;
} else {
RejectWarning = "";
print("Acknowledging Interchange") >> OutputFile;
print(" Control Number: . . . . . " TA101) >> OutputFile;
print(" Interchange Date: . . . . " substr(TA102,3,2) "/" substr(TA102,5,2) "/20" substr(TA102,1,2)) >> OutputFile;
print(" Interchange Time: . . . . " substr(TA103,1,2) ":" substr(TA103,3,2)) >> OutputFile;
print("\n Interchange Status:" RejectWarning) >> OutputFile;
print(" " TA104Desc) >> OutputFile;
if (TA105 != "") {
print("\n Interchange Note:") >> OutputFile;
print(" " TA105Desc) >> OutputFile;
HaveTA1 = False;
function WriteHeader() {
if (!WroteHeader) {
print("Sender: . . . . . . . . . . " SenderID "\t" SenderName[SenderID]) >> OutputFile;
if (TestDocument) {
print("Document Usage: . . . . . . TEST") >> OutputFile;
print("Receiver: . . . . . . . . . " ReceiverID) >> OutputFile;
print("Interchange Number: . . . . " InterchgCtlNbr) >> OutputFile;
if (PayerID > "") {
print("Payer: . . . . . . . . . . . " PayerID "\t" PayerName[PayerID]) >> OutputFile;
print("Process Date: . . . . . . . " ProcessDate) >> OutputFile;
print("Process Time: . . . . . . . " ProcessTime) >> OutputFile;
print("Acknowledgement") >> OutputFile;
print(" Group Control Number: . . " AckGroupCtlNbr) >> OutputFile;
WroteHeader = True;

function trim(InString) {
gsub(/^ */, "", InString);
gsub(/ *$/, "", InString);
return InString;

James Fuchs
Manager, Business Intelligence
p) 414.908.8180 c) 414.915.7738
Fortis Management Group, LLC
111 West Michigan Street | Milwaukee, WI 53203



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If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of these documents is strictly prohibited by federal law. If you have received this information in error, please notify the sender immediately and arrange for the return or destruction of these documents.

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