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On 7/14/2016 1:08 PM, Scott Klement wrote:
Every time I've tried to use iProjects I've become frustrated and
scrapped the idea. It has been a few years, though, so I guess it's
possible that it has improved?

It's pretty much unchanged.

The fundamental issue with respect to Git is that iProjects is not
intended to be part of an SCM system. It's intended to allow me to work
offline: to download all the parts of a project I need, carry the laptop
to the airport, and work on the plane. Then, reaching civilisation,
upload the code back to IBM i and I'm Bob's nephew.

So using it the way I do, as a hook into Git, is definitely
second-class, and a side effect, rather than the intention. The
workflow with iProjects is less attractive than the workflow with
regular source files.

iProjects has tie-ins to Rational, but I haven't been able to get a Jazz
server to run yet. So I have no idea how well that works.

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