On 06-May-2016 23:11 -0500, Bily Rowe wrote:
Can a variable in a CLLE program be updated using pointers?
The Change Variable (CHGVAR) statement command, just like would be
done to change variables that are not addressed via pointers.? And,
that is mostly the same, irrespective of ILE CL (CLLE) vs OPM CL (CLP).
Perhaps I do not understand the question; not even after reading
ahead. Nevertheless, I will offer:
I know how to access (i.e. read) columns from a variable using
pointer (i.e. %address, %offset)
So something like the following which only /reads/ the value of the
variable (&elem) to build the output string?:
dcl &inputDta *char 30 /* 3 10-byte elements */+
value('First Second Third')
/* ______'....+....1....+....2....+....3 */
dcl &elemSiz *int 4 value(10)
dcl &elemPtr *ptr address(*null)
dcl &elem *char 10 stg(*based) basptr(&elemPtr)
dcl &elemNbr *int 2
dcl &elemPos *int 2
dcl &elemSST *char 10
dcl &outputStr *char 36 /* parenthetical 10-byte elements */
chgvar &outputStr ' '
chgvar &elemPtr %addr(&inputDta)
dofor &elemNbr 1 3
chgvar &outputStr +
(&outputStr *tcat '(' *cat %trim(&elem) *cat ')')
chgvar %ofs(&elemPtr) (%ofs(&elemPtr) + &elemSiz)
sndpgmmsg () cpf9897 qcpfmsg &outputStr +
topgmq(*prv) tomsgq(*topgmq) msgtype(*info)
and how to loop through a variable's characters using %sst.
So, something like the following [as addendum to the above]?:
chgvar &outputStr ' '
dofor &elemNbr 1 3
chgvar &elemPos ( (&elemNbr - 1) * &elemSiz + 1 )
chgvar &elemSST %sst(&inputDta &elemPos &elemSiz)
chgvar &outputStr +
(&outputStr *tcat '(' *cat %trim(&elemSST) *cat ')')
chgvar %ofs(&elemPtr) (%ofs(&elemPtr) + &elemSiz)
sndpgmmsg () cpf9897 qcpfmsg &outputStr +
topgmq(*prv) tomsgq(*topgmq) msgtype(*info)
I would just like to figure out how to use pointer to update a cl
program variable if it's even possible.
Perhaps something like the following [as addendum to the above]?:
if1stPass: /* chg input data, then re-perform prior code */
if (%sst(&inputDta 1 &elemSiz) *eq 'First') then(do)
chgByADR: /* change value of &ELEM via basing pointer */
chgvar &elemPtr %addr(&inputDta)
dofor &elemNbr 1 3
chgvar &elem ('<' *tcat &elem *tcat '>')
chgvar %ofs(&elemPtr) (%ofs(&elemPtr) + &elemSiz)
goto byADR /* perform second pass of data */
The above three sections of <code></code> can be placed into source,
in that order, and then compiled as either CLP or CLLE. The output from
the CALL should be:
If none of that is helpful, then perhaps code an example CL, and then
explain in words and in pseudo-code the desired effect.
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