× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Chuck

Haha on me. Clearly I was seeing what I wanted to see.

In an absolutely dorky move - I wrote the XML back out to IFS and then issued the DECCOMP. It worked :)

But what I'm mulling over in the back of my mind is - if the GET_XML_FILE actually returns a blob locator. Why couldn't I get the blob locator for the clob I originally created??? And/or the XML that I moved it to.

Of course this is an unusual situation. Normally one would be working with better XML data.


message: 1
date: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 13:51:33 -0600
from: CRPence <crpbottle@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: XML Shredding get_xml_file question

On 01-Oct-2015 13:28 -0600, Vicki Wilson wrote:
On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 11:25:19 -0600 CRPence wrote:
On 01-Oct-2015 10:24 -0600, Vicki Wilson wrote:
<<SNIP>> when the data was part of an xml document on the IFS I
successfully used get_xml_file. But now when the xml is part of a
file the get_xml_file fails.


The documentation says that get_xml_file should be able to retrieve
from a file "For a source physical file, the string must be in the
form 'library/file(member)'"

I've played with the syntax a bit - but nothing seems to work.

From the given example, consider that the IBM i object names are
upper-case, unless delimited by double-quotes. <<SNIP>>

Upper or lower case does not seem to matter.

I also created a variable and put the file name and I still get the

I'm getting a CPF428A error. In fact the job log is kind of weird
because I get the error twice.
Here's the full error listing:
Open of member CBX_XML file CBX_XML in ZZVICKIW failed.
Open of member CBX_XML file CBX_XML in ZZVICKIW failed.
User-defined function error on member QSQPTABL.
User-defined function error on member QSQPTABL.
Trigger program or external routine detected an error.

What would more appropriately be called a "full error listing" would require a spooled joblog [generated with LOG(4 0 *SECLVL)].

The full CPF error is:
Message: Open of member CBX_XML file CBX_XML in ZZVICKIW failed.
Cause: Member CBX_XML file CBX_XML in library ZZVICKIW was not opened
because of error code 1. The error codes and their meanings are: 1 --
The format for file CBX_XML contains one or more large object fields
and the open request did not indicate that large object fields could
be processed by the user of the open.

Again, lacking the context [that would be provided with a spooled joblog], the term /full/ as descriptive, verges on hyperbole. Those details, I suppose not of much import, as the issue appears likely to be usage; apparently, for naming an unsupported file.

I'm running out of ideas for what to try next.

Conspicuously, the file is not a "source physical file", to which the alluded doc reference refers. A PF-SRC is created with DDS source or the Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) command, and Large Object
(LOB) data types are unsupported. If the data is not [going to be] in a SRC-PF, then AIUI the location of the data could be moved to and referred to via a Stream File (STMF) name in the root file system instead.?

Regards, Chuck


message: 2
date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 15:58:15 -0400
from: Glenn Gundermann <glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: PRTRPTBRM issue

Hi Paul,

In the specific example, you could specify an ending time of 184100 for the
PRTRPTBRM command. This isn't great since you'd have to look at your data
and then figure out what time the backup finished.

You could use SQL to strip out the extra records. You could write
something that would always work without re-writing it.

You could place your dup tape in another control group and then run
PRTRPTBRM for the save control group using the CTLGRP parameter.

Yours truly,

Glenn Gundermann
Email: glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx
Work: (416) 675-9200 ext. 89224
Cell: (416) 317-3144

On 1 October 2015 at 15:36, Steinmetz, Paul <PSteinmetz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm using PRTRPTBRM, dumping to an outfile, then sorting, to identify my
largest and longest objects during a save.
I'm seeing two entries for every library saved, the second one being from
my auto dup immediately following the save.

I reran PRTRPTBRM, changing the end date/time hoping to NOT include the
auto dup.
SBMJOB CMD(PRTRPTBRM PERIOD((180000 092915) (201600 092915))

I'm still seeing two entries.
The entry from the auto dup, 204132, is still appearing, even though it
was after the end/date time, 201600.

Any thoughts from the group?

10/01/15 15:16:23
Pencor06 Save Summary
Library Size in Total Volume
Number Number Start End Control
Name Millions bytes Save Time Used
Objects Objects time stamp time stamp Group
ICOMRSTGEN 117,013 10 001045
18,031 0 1150929181532 1150929182550 SAVCHOB
ICOMRSTGEN 117,013 10 001158
18,031 0 1150929203118 1150929204132 SAVCHOB
ICOM827GEN 116,084 7 001045
18,538 0 1150929182915 1150929183712 SAVCHOB
ICOM827GEN 116,084 10 001158
18,538 0 1150929204147 1150929205236 SAVCHOB
PTDGEN3 19,464 1 001045
8,842 0 1150929183846 1150929184015 SAVCHOB
PTDGEN3 19,464 1 001158
8,842 0 1150929205252 1150929205451 SAVCHOB

Thank You
Paul Steinmetz
IBM i Systems Administrator

Pencor Services, Inc.
462 Delaware Ave
Palmerton Pa 18071

610-826-9117 work
610-826-9188 fax
610-349-0913 cell
610-377-6012 home


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message: 3
date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 19:59:58 +0000
from: Matt Olson <Matt.Olson@xxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

I'm confused, how is any of this "proprietary" when the specs are open and widely known. Just because one vendor implements it first, as long as the specs are open then it is not "proprietary". When the specs are closed, then yes it is proprietary.

Linux/unix has been able to interoperate with samba just fine since 1992.

You can run a full fledge samba environment on the IBM i now that they have ported it to the PASE environment, I believe it may even include the smbclient the individual was looking for in addition to the server pieces.

See here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1020089

This implementation is much better than IBM's proprietary and slow implementation of NetServer. They finally threw in the towel and realized they couldn't make a good one, and have now embraced the open source worlds version of it.

Also, the previous poster was wondering why smbclient wasn't available, well it is now. Read the above URL.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Wilt [mailto:charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2015 2:48 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

How would Windows networking be IBM proprietary?


On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Richard Schoen < Richard.Schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well actually it's probably more like IBM proprietary :-)

Happy CPY-ing !!


Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies,
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.rjssoftware.com Visit me on:
Twitter | LinkedIn


message: 5
date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 19:18:11 +0000
from: Winchester Terry <terry.winchester@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

We had a meeting earlier this week and I made a few remarks using the
phrase "MS-proprietary" ;-)

So one of the PC Admins set up WS4U and after a bunch of twiddling
with security we were able to succesfully use a MOUNT, CPY and UNMOUNT
command to move some data.

Now I need to do a little research on the viability of doing MOUNT's
within QSTRUP and/or doing them dynamically for each application.

Thanks ALL for the help!


-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Vernon Hamberg
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 3:35 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

LOL - just call it WS4U and tell them it's from Microsoft.

On 9/25/2015 2:11 PM, Winchester Terry wrote:
Vern...that is true! I think the aversion is the word "Unix" ;-)

It was my understanding that managing security around NFS services
required a bit more work too...but maybe that's not true.



-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Vernon Hamberg
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 12:19 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: QNTC and Windows Server 2012


Windows Services for Unix IS from Microsoft, so they should not
to it.


On 9/25/2015 9:14 AM, Winchester Terry wrote:
Of the two remaining preferences, it's probably easier to use NFS
but these are "windows" guys and they seem to have an aversion to
non-MS solutions so proposing that they run "services for NFS" is
not going to be my first recommendation.

We have a meeting slated for sometime next week. I am leaning
towards using standard FTP but that means they will have to run FTP
services on each of their file servers.

This will probably be the lessor of two evils in their eyes ;-)

I really wish that IBM support had various versions of SMBCLIENT
available for download based on the level of the O/S. I find it
hard to believe that, with all of their available talent, IBM can't
have an FTP site available with pre-compiled binaries for stuff like this...


-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Richard Schoen
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 10:01 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

Have them install Windows services for Unix and open up appropriate

Then you simply mount the servers from IBMi.


Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies,
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.rjssoftware.com Visit me on:
Twitter | LinkedIn


message: 6
date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 12:55:07 +0000
from: Winchester Terry <terry.winchester@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: QNTC and Windows Server 2012

Is it possible to use QNTC with the new version of Windows Server

We're currently running SMBCLIENT 2.2.8 and it has served us well
years, but the Windows folks are doing some server upgrades to the new
2012 version and our Samba client is no longer working.

Based on a little research, it appears that only Samba versions
later than
3.6 will work with MS Server 2012. Since I am *not* a C-programmer
there doesn't appear to be any binaries available for our platform (at
V6R1) it seems that our only options are (1) Use QNTC, (2) Convince
the MS-Admins that they need to run the NFS server utilities on each
of their servers so that we can mount their drives or (3) Convince the
MS-Admins that we must use FTP to push files to each server.

I would prefer to use option (1) but it doesn't seem to work. So I
guess we're stuck with options (2) and (3)...

BTW, upgrading to a V7Rx is not likely to happen since we're slated
to move off the platform in the next 18-24 months (to outsourced
*NIX servers running

Any thoughts?



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message: 4
date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 16:11:25 -0400
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: PRTRPTBRM issue

You need to include your "where" clause. In your case I expect to see
where bshBEGtm<'1150929200000'

If you need to be more generic you could try
with t1 as (
select cast(max (left(bshbegtm,7)) as char(7)) as CYYMMDD
from qtemp.prtrptbrm)
SELECT BSHLIB, BSHSIZ, BSSAVTIME, cast( left(BSVOLS,7) as char(7))
FROM qtemp.prtrptbrm, t1
where bshbegtm<t1.cyymmdd concat '200000'
ORDER BY bssavtime desc

Pretty cool output though. We are nuts with journals. It takes us 3
hours to save our journals during our quarterly downtime.
Library Size in Total VOLUME Number
Number Start End Control
Name Millions bytes Save Time Objects
Objects time stamp time stamp Group
Minutes Saved Not
#MXJRN 2,623,141 179 BR0327 557 0
1150918211300 1150919001234 DTFULL
ERPLXF 441,018 34 BR0327 5,740 0
1150919002555 1150919010004 DTFULL
QPFRDATA 189,032 18 BR0327 58 0
1150919021045 1150919022856 DTFULL
ERPLXSAVF 125,699 14 BR0327 218 0
1150919010856 1150919012306 DTFULL
QGPL 244,244 13 BR0327 2,086 0
1150918205922 1150918211246 DTFULL
YEAREND 57,961 8 BR0327 14 0
1150919024240 1150919025103 DTFULL
GDIDIVF 77,736 7 BR0327 11,093 0
1150919014305 1150919015006 DTFULL
ERPLXUSRF 58,440 5 BR0327 1,016 0
1150919012306 1150919012901 DTFULL

Guested SSD's to fiber LTO4

Rob Berendt

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