I have an first-gen IBM PC XT, a first-gen Compaq portable, a 2nd-gen Compaq
portable, and an IBM P01 portable in my attic...
- sjl
"Richard Schoen" wrote in message
Isn't there that show about Hoarders ? :-)
I have a lot fewer racks than you but the same issue, especially when it
comes to laptops. Let's see......Mac, Surface, Thinkpad, Dell, etc......
Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies, HelpSystems
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
message: 8
date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:58:35 -0500
from: DrFranken <midrange@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: How much to buy an second hand IBM i hardware and what
about licences
And if you want to learn the hardware you often need a lot to really get
into it enough to be even approach becoming an expert.
-Jim has so much stuff his stairway nearly collapsed bring down a UPS
big enough to power it all.
-Pete had 0595s holding up tables in his lobby and tape drives on
shelves in the bathroom before he moved.
-I have 5 IBM Racks full in my garage plus one live one in the basement.
You need a very tolerant spouse!
- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis
On 12/13/2014 11:04 AM, Aaron Bartell wrote:
Ditto the responses of Larry and Henrik. Unless you plan on needing to
learn the hardware aspects of IBM i, your time and money is much better
spent getting an instance in the cloud.
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