On 28-Oct-2014 16:26 -0500, Stone, Joel wrote:
I have some dates stored as text mm/dd/yy and others stored as
I thought that SQL was smart enough to convert all of the following
month descriptors to a timestamp:
The SQL is indeed /smart enough/ to effect those conversions,
wherever that capability is documented as being supported. For example,
using Timestamp Strings:
Trailing blanks can be included. Leading zeros can be omitted from the
month, day, hour, ≥minute,≤ and second part of the timestamp when using
the timestamp form with separators. ...
But I run the following SQL and see the errors below where the dates
(char format) fail to convert to timestamps because the month is 2
digits and SQL can't seem to handle.
Job defn: Date format . . . . . . . . . . . . : *MDY
(Does the date format in the job defn affect SQL?)
The Date Format (DATFMT) attribute of the job plays a role *only*
when the SQL Date Format (DATFMT) attribute has resolved from the
special value *JOB.
Any ideas?
There is an associated Date Separator (DATSEP) for both the job and
the SQL, relevant for any non-standards [all of the support "job"] date
formats; e.g. *MDY, *DMY, *YMD, *JUL
Also never /assume/ the DatFmt for the job for use in the SQL. Best
to either always explicitly set the SQL environment to use a known
format, or always use only the date formats that are the recognized
/standards/ of *ISO, *EUR, *JIS, *USA; thus either way, the date format
and separator of the job are moot, because the assumption has been
explicitly established and thus can not become a failed assumption.
I would like to have both 01/02/03 and also 1/2/03 both convert to
Jan 2 2003 but SQL doesn't seem to support this
The TIMESTAMP_FORMAT() casting scalar [TO_DATE() as a synonym] I
expect will support that format, using the 'YY' in the formatting string
to denote the default 100-year window; I can not test to verify the
results, and the docs are not succinct and clear in that regard. That
scalar documents the same support as Timestamp Strings, though with an
inverse wording:
"... Leading zeroes can be specified for any component of the timestamp
value (for example, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) that does not
have the maximum number of significant digits for the corresponding
format element in the format string.
as shown below.
, substr(keyword3,1,10)
, chkdate
The output from the above column was omitted from the following
report, so I reformatted that report to omit the result of the first
expression as well as limit the data to two specific rows that exhibit
the issue [and updated the below WHERE clause accordingly]:
, timestamp( date(substr(keyword3,1,10))
, time('00:00 AM') )
from rjsimage/docs00
where doctype2 = 'COUNTRYOPSFMS'
and substr(keyword3, 1, 10) in ('1/02/14', '12/18/13')
1/02/14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <- 1 digit month before slash fails to convert to timestamp. Why?
12/18/13 2013-12-18- <- 2 digit month successfully converts to timestamp
The problem is presumably that there is no support for omitted
leading zeroes in Date Strings; i.e. unlike the above doc link for
Timestamp Strings explicitly stating such support exists, there is no
similar statement for date, thus the DATE casting fails.
Thus I expect that the mapping error is actually for the DATE() being
performed within the TIMESTAMP casting scalar, thus the following query
likely has the report that follows, exposing that the DATE() itself
presumably would have failed:
, date(substr(keyword3,1,10) "Date"
from rjsimage/docs00
where doctype2 = 'COUNTRYOPSFMS'
and substr(keyword3, 1, 10) in ('1/02/14', '12/18/13')
-- the following report:
1/02/14 ++++++++++ <- 1 digit month; convert to date fails
12/18/13 2013-12-18 <- 2 digit month; converts to a date
I expect the following query will produce the report that follows,
such that there would be no data mapping errors:
, to_date(substr(keyword3,1,10), 'MM/DD/YY') "TimeStamp"
from rjsimage/docs00
where doctype2 = 'COUNTRYOPSFMS'
and substr(keyword3, 1, 10) in ('1/02/14', '12/18/13')
-- the following report:
SUBSTR "TimeStamp"
1/02/14 2014-01-02-
12/18/13 2013-12-18-
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