I'm trying to convert a QM400 query to a rpg program.
Its fairly simple and I'd be done already if I just coded my breaks in the program, but I'm trying to expand my sql knowledge.
I found an example from an article and can actually get it to work, but I cannot get my own to work.
My query joins 2 files and simply sums up a deduction amount when there is a break(the break is at company,gl,ded code)
I want to print the details followed by the totals for the deduction amount.
3300 110,023,220,130,100 41.67 FLXD
3300 110,023,220,130,100 41.67 FLXD
TOTAL 83.34
3300 110,023,220,140,100 40.00 FLXM
3300 110,023,220,140,100 50.00 FLXM
TOTAL 90.00
The query I got to work is from the following
here is my query that I can't get to work
when(Grouping(pdhccd)=1) then 'company totals'
else pdhccd
end as pdhccd,
when (Grouping(pdhgln)=1) then 'Gl Totals'
else pdhgln
end as pdhgln,
when (Grouping(pdhded)=1) then 'ded Totals'
else pdhded
end as pdhded,
sum(pdheed) as emptot
from prdhs join PMST on Pdhemp = pmemp
where pdhedt between 20140501 and 20140531
and pdhgln in(select glno from prflexgl00)
and pdheed <> 0
group by pdhccd,pdhgln,pdhded with rollup
I only get the summary records and not the details.
I probably only need the GL total or ded total case statement, because they change at the same time, and I've tried that, but I get basically the same result.
Any idea what I've got wrong.
If there is an easier way, please let me know
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