× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Gary Thompson <gthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I did see that /xxxxxxxx part but did not know to write that down . . .
Any way to recover from my mistake ?

I'm not sure. I don't know of any, though maybe others have some
ideas. You may want to wait a while to give folks a chance to come
through with a recovery, but I suspect it will be simplest and
quickest to just post it again.

If you do post again (not necessarily just this, but for future
reference), there are a few ways to get the URL:

(1) When you get the message that your post has been saved, hover over
the URL that is provided, right-click, and then pick the appropriate

Internet Explorer: Choose "Copy shortcut"
Firefox: Choose "Copy Link Location"
Chrome: Choose "Copy link address"

At that point, the full URL will be in your clipboard, and you can
paste it directly into the text of your e-mail to this mailing list,
or to Notepad, or to wherever.

(2) When you get the message that your post has been saved, highlight
the URL that is provided (sometimes this is tricky, you need to click
on an area that is near but *not directly on* the link, hold down the
button, and drag the mouse to highlight the appropriate text). Then
Ctrl+C to get it to your clipboard. Paste where desired.

(3) Just go ahead and click on the link, letting the browser take you
to the page that actually has your code. (You probably want to do
this just to verify you've posted your code correctly anyway.) The
URL will be in the browser's address bar. Usually, if you just click
once anywhere in the address bar, the whole URL will be highlighted.
If not, you may need to either click-and-drag, or use Ctrl+A to
"select all". Once highlighted, copy with Ctrl+C. Paste where

John Y.

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