On 28-Mar-2014 10:15 -0700, Jerry Draper wrote:
Doing a system disk erasure.
I have a PGM that writes random data until the disk is full.
If not preceded by a scratch install, then FWiW:
"IMO, a fool's errand."
What value causes the system to shutdown or whatever when it reaches
a certain %age DASD usage level?
The following may be of interest:
_System Values Affecting Storage at R420 and Later_
The following new system values have been added to the system:
The /condition/ that notifies of the system storage being reached is
MCH2803 "Machine storage limit overflow."; LIC exception x2203.
However depending on how the program obtains storage into which to write
the data, the actual condition may be manifest to the program in a
different manner; e.g. MCH2804 "Tried to go larger than storage limit
for object &1.", MCH6903 "The heap space has reached its maximum
allowable size.", or the exception could be translated into a message
such as a CPF####, CPE#### [errno], or CEE#### exception\condition used
to inform the program. The system crashes with a System Reference Code
[likely SRCB6005121; alternatively written SRC B600 5121] when a
critical task or system job encounters the first noted LIC exception,
noted above. To be clear, one can not be sure their own job will be the
first to detect the condition, such that the system may terminate before
the program becomes aware of the situation; dependence on threshold
warnings can ameliorate that capability deficiency.
The following four messages are sent to QSYSMSG per
http://www.kisco.com/ibm-i-security-tips/?p=154>, and I believe the
next two do as well [I did not look to the docs in InfoCenter, but
easily found searching any of those message identifiers and\or QSYSMSG]:
CPI0953 90 ASP &5 storage threshold reached.
CPI0954 90 Storage limit exceeded for ASP &1.
CPI0955 80 System ASP unprotected storage limit exceeded.
CPF0907 80 Serious storage condition may exist. Press HELP.
CPI099C 90 Critical storage lower limit reached.
CPI099B 90 Critical storage condition exists.
Some other storage-related messages that might be of interest; may
not be germane:
CPF0996 80 Storage usage reached critical point and must be reduced.
CPF3793 80 Machine storage limit reached.
CPE3460 10 Storage allocation request failed.
CPI099D 90 System starting in storage restricted state.
CPI099E 90 Storage lower limit exit program error occurred.
CPI0999 80 Storage directory threshold reached.
CPI1158 80 Auxiliary storage exceeds system limits.
CPF1050 80 Not enough storage to start subsystem.
CPF1298 80 Storage limit or fragmentation while creating job structures.
CPF3217 30 Not enough storage to create file &1 or add member to file.
CPD343A 40 An attempt to obtain program storage failed.
CPFAF18 40 There is not enough available storage to perform the
requested function.
CPF39A6 40 Storage could not be allocated
MCH6903 40 The heap space has reached its maximum allowable size.
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