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Your are right, of course, about the QDECFMT value. It is just that in our
shop we rarely change the Qsysval defined format (an exception is the use
of *ISO/*EUR date and time formats).

I don't really think of my "changing gears" as dumbing-down :-) The forum
official languages is English (and American English, mostly), so I just
"translate" the decimal format I use when I post my messages.

That said, sometimes I feel that the American way of separating integers
and decimals (eg. 123.45) is more correct that the one I normally use (eg.
123,45). As I see it, a period in a sentence separates two different
things, as opposed to a comma, where you are speaking about similar things.
So when you write about US$1,000,000 it is, for me at least, more logical
than US$1.000.000 (although equally unobtainable :-) )

Regarding the use of a space after each comma in expressions, I believe it
should be required, as only because it makes the sentence easier to read.

There, I just agreed with your way to express numerical quantities. I just
draw the line at your way to express weights and measures :-) (and please,
let don't start a thread about this, to avoid David's wrath :-) )

Best Regards,


Luis Rodriguez
IBM Certified Systems Expert -- eServer i5 iSeries

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